Into the Void

Went off into a work-void today. Fiddling with my scanner and an old manuscript I wanted an e-version on, then editing the file. Scanners are like spell-checkers–they come up with some interesting errors and transpositions. Here are four perfect graphs, then there is a line in the middle of the fifth that belongs in the sixth, and why did it do that? Doesn't like underlines, and now and there there is a funny little character spawned by some invisible control code. You touch up as you go, no worse than copy-editing a hurriedly-typed manuscript, and for a novelette-length story, scanning and then editing is a matter of a few hours. But it does get you into work-fugue, whereupon you suddenly look  up and realize those few hours have passed, and you've forgotten to eat lunch, move around, or walk the dogs ...

I need to go do those things now, so I'm done with work for today. 

Um. Tomorrow, I'll have another short ms to send to Dan for the Fat Sam ebook store. I'll stick up a link when he gets it cleaned up and listed ...