Bloons Tower Defense 4 Expansion walkthrough and Supernatural Specialty

Bloons Tower Defense 4 Expansion walkthrough.Here's just another Bloons Tower Defense 4 Expansion walkthrough for Track 1 Hard mode showing amazingly gameplay without lives lost and without premium upgrade. BTD Expansion 4 is one of the most addicting tower defense games out there.

Bloons Tower Defense 4 Expansion walkthrough Track1 on Hard mode:

Next one shows how to unlock the supernatural specialty (includes super monkey and wizards).

The BTD4 Expansion Sun God Cheat (only works on normal mode).

Flaming Zambooka 2 walkthrough

In here you will see Flaming Zambooka 2 walkthrough showing how to beat all levels in the game while having a total score of over 323k. The game is a physics based zombie action game developed by turbo nuke. If you find killing zombies in different challenging ways, you will like this one.

Flaming Zambooka 2 walkthrough.

Take out zombies while avoiding hitting humans and utilizing other objects and elements in some levels to get a higher score. You can choose from four different characters to use in the game and make use of new weapons. Very entertaining but it can also be challenging specially when you get to further levels in the game. Here is a complete Flaming Zombooka 2 walkthrough from some cool dude that can serve as a guide to annihilating zombies in different ways.

Blue Knight walkthrough

Blue Knight walkthroughg.Blue Knight is another new action adventure point and click platformer game from mofunzone. Explore an alien planet in a mission to clear it of enemy threats, ready for a new human colony. Pixel rich game with cool twists. The game features a simple yet fun and interesting pixeled gameplay which will keep you playing it till you find and destroy all the gate keepers in the game.

Fulfill your mission as sworn Knight and destroy all enemy bosses. Some short Blue Knight walkthrough which covers the first part of the game.

13th Skull walkthrough guide

If you have been playing this downloadable point and click game from Mystery Case Files for quite some time now and keeps on getting stuck every time, maybe we can all learn a thing or two in this 11 minute 13th Skull walkthrough. Shortly after moving into a creepy mansion in Louisiana, Sara Lawson is struck with tragedy when her husband mysteriously disappears. Sara's daughter, Magnolia, believes her father was kidnapped by the ghost of a vengeful pirate seeking to protect his lost fortune. With the locals terrified of the pirate's curse, you are the family's last hope. Only a Master Detective with incredible Hidden Object skills can locate Marcus Lawson in Mystery Case Files: 13th Skull!
13th Skull walkthrough.

13th Skull walkthrough video after that short description..

Clear Vision 4.3 walkthrough

Clear Vision 4.3 walkthrough - The game is presented to us by addicitinggames; where games can get you hooked. It is the expansion for the point and click game CV4 where Jake - the hero of the game took on his enemies. This expansion still have the previous missions which you can play plus the all new missions only this time Jake is in a hospital bed and now executes deadly mission with his mind and trigger finger that constantly itches.
Clear Vision 4.3 walkthrough.

If your eye sight failed you this time, try looking at these Clear Vision 4.3 walkthrough covering the new missions including operation m3, wingcut and others.

Ant's Evening walkthrough

Just in case you missed the in game button for the Ant's Evening walkthrough and somehow landed here looking for it, I got you covered - it's down there below. The game is another new point and click adventure game from gamezhero depicting the quest of a regular everyday normal ant to his home sweet home ant hill.

Ant's Evening walkthrough.

As I said, if you have missed the Ant's Eveining walkthrough button in the game, here is the video guide where it leads to.

Love this.

Christmas Song

Okay, the usual excuses: The light was bad, my arm was tired. I had two broken fingernails, and this was maybe the fifth time I sang the new song all the way through. Plus my voice is what it is, and my guitar squeaks are part and parcel of it ...

Listen to it here, or in the player down the page on the right. 

I figure another score of songs, I might start getting a little better at it. It's part of the creative process, the willingness to produce a certain amount of crap. Everybody has to start somewhere, and that becomes the benchmark to show improvement -- if there is any ...

Got to put my car in the shop -- that cooling fan thing came back and it's guzzling coolant -- thermostat, maybe a leak somewhere. First time in for repairs since I got it, if you don't count the bodywork when I got the front end caught on a ladder ... Not bad for an '06 model. With any luck, it won't take too long to fix, nor cost an arm and a leg ...

Is This The Most Gorgeous Cover Ever?

No, probably not. Maybe.

It's definitely an incredible example of a cover that tells you something. Not that it's YA vs. adult (in my opinion, this could be a cover for either), not the "tone" or the time period, although it does both of those things. I mean it tells us about the crux of the plot. It hints at the major choices the characters will face. The stakes.

This woman is leaving. She's moving towards something else, which is interesting too, but she's looking back, not forward. It could be that she's being forced to leave something she doesn't want to (reading the synopsis, it seems likely). But it could also be that she's escaping, and the glance over her shoulder is to ensure she's not being pursued. There's so much tension!! It's in the way her fist is clenched against the seat, like she's turning frantically before the last glimpse is lost. She's uncoiffed, rushed.

I think it's thrilling. Seen any good ones lately?

Demons Took My Daughter walkthrough

Demons Took My Daughter walkthrough covers a complete playthrough for this game by nerdook. There are several videos that will guide you with every mode of the game which includes wrath, survival, gluttony, lust, envy, greed and pride mode. Rescue your daughter from the evil (and adorable!) Demons in this hybrid platformer/defence game! Fight a wide variety of enemies (and the 7 Deadly Sins) on your epic quest!

Demons Took My Daughter walkthrough.

Demons Took My Daughter Wrath

DTMD Survival mode

Demons Took My Daughter Lust Mode Walkthrough

DTMD walkthrough: Gluttony

Demons Took My Daughter Pride walkthrough

Greed Mode walkthrough video

Demons Took my Daughter Envy walkthrough

Deadly Venom walkthrough

Deadly Venom walkthrough will show us how to play this point and click flash game by gamesfree. The game features slick and fine action-stealthy gameplay. Utilize throwing knives, tranquilizer weapons and superb hand to hand combat skills of a female secret agent to take down enemy soldiers.

Deadly Venom walkthrough.

The game reminds me of some action trigger game on some game console but I don't remember what exactly it is. Anyways, the game is entertaining and gets progressively challenging as you progress in it. If you got caught in a stop point in the game and don't know what to do next, this Deadly Venom walkthrough here might save you.

Puzzle Room Escape 41 walkthrough

Puzzle Room Escape 41 walkthrough - Puzzle Room Escape 41 is forty first episode of Puzzle Room Escape point and click room escape by games2rule. Test your intelligence and escape yourself from the puzzle room by solving the puzzles. Good luck and have fun.
Puzzle Room Escape 41.
This one is quite entertaining and a bit of challenge for the brain especially the math puzzles in it. When you're really stuck on it, its time to see the Puzzle Room Escape 41 walkthrough for the solution and answers.

Related walkthrough: Puzzle Room Escape 29 walkthrough


We went bowling while the family was here during the holidays. Not my sport, though back in the day, my parents were in a league and I learned how. Even how to keep score in the pre-computer days. 

Observe the focus. The concentration. The steely-eyed resolve ... 

This would have been just before I broke two of my guitar-playing fingernails. And probably just before I threw a gutter ball ...


I love YA. I love representing YA manuscripts and interacting with the YA writing community online. But more than that, I am representative of a huge portion of the YA reading audience. Because YA book buyers fall (mostly) into two categories: fifteen year old girls and those of us who still feel fifteen at heart.

I love reading YA. Those firsts are moments I love reliving, because I still feel fifteen. (And I’m definitely not). But I taught high school for six years, and it’s hard to grow up when you’re surrounded by those tumultuous emotions, that whirlwind where everything feels like it’s Life or Death, like this might be the Most Important Moment of your life.

But thankfully I’ve gained a few insights since I actually was 15. And I’ve seen going around, first on twitter and now on several blogs, letters or advice to your teenage self.

I have to say I can’t really think anything I’d do differently if I suddenly had the chance to go back. Okay, well maybe a couple things. But through all that drama (and oh, there WAS drama), I don’t have regrets.

And even if my future and older self came to give me advice when I was in high school, I would have scoffed at it. (I was one of those teenagers who Knew Everything, trust me, and I wasn’t going to listen to anyone, let alone myself).

But here’s my top five anyway.

5. It’s the little things that make you feel alive: leave your windows open, walk barefoot, eat dessert first, stay up to see the sunrise, buy yourself flowers, change your hair color often, and laugh as loud as you want.

4. One day that obsessive personality and hardcore perfectionism will serve you well, but focus them. Reading Cry the Beloved Country to the point of memorization is probably not the best use of your time.

3. It doesn’t matter how pretty the guy is - it matters that he’s nice to you.  A swoonworthy smile, a six pack, and chiseled hip lines don't ever make him less of an ass.

2. You'll never have another teacher like Mrs. Hall - she really is that awesome.  But it doesn't matter.  The written word, books, and Lucky by Alice Sebold will save your life.

1. What you think of yourself is the only thing that matters.

**And yes, these are authentic high school photos**

Winner - Highborn by Yvonne Navarro

Best Character Names
Mike Koch @ 6:51 pm

Best Love Triangle between the protagonist, Pee Wee, and the Were-Mer-Bear
Yahong Chi @ 9:36 pm

Best Description/Imagery
abrielle1 @ 11:15 pm

Best Soundtrack
taratyler @ 11:47 pm

Best Last Line
Pamela @ 5:02 pm

Best Dialogue
Alex @ 7:42 pm

Best Game Show
brian_ohio @ 9:02 am

Best Use of the "Beware the Were-Mer-Bear"
Heather Rebel @ 1:01 pm

Best Description of the "Were-Mer-Bear"
justwritecat @ 10:22 PM
they leap into the sky and remain airborne for extended periods of time

And the runner up is...

Elizabeth @ 8:51 pm

She shifted from foot to foot, feeling the betrayal: Where was her husband, with their tickets to see Pee-Wee Herman on Broadway? She waited across the street from the theater, underneath the bright lights of a marquee that read “Beware of the Were-Mer-Bear.” The round bulbs spread out above her in a V, like brightly illuminated wings in the night, turning her shadow into something as thin and stretched as she felt. She looked to the sky, but she knew she wouldn’t have the kind of comeback Pee-Wee did. Her husband had already found another playhouse.


Our Winner is 

Alex @ 10:56 pm

It warms the cockles of my heart that the “Beware of the Were-Mer-Bear” sign has the neighborhood Pee Wee’s and Scuge Muffins so terrified. Nothing betrays the mind more than the wings of imagination. The ground based motion sensor spot light blinding their scurrilous little faces helps too. As soon as they set foot on the lawn the sky lights up and I begin roaring “Down Were-Mer-Bear, DOWN!” over the howling zombie recordings I took with me when I retired from the film editing suite. Fact is I’d be bored if it weren’t for the kids.

Congratulations to everyone for fantastic entries.  Sorry it took me so long to get results up (blame it on that nasty flu going around)!  Alex, send me an email with your address and I'll send you a copy of Highborn by Yvonne Navarro.

Movin' On

I brought this up in a post a month or so ago, but it bears repeating.

Tomorrow, November 30th, will be my wife's final day working for the Lower Columbia River Ports. She signed on there ten years ago, based out of the Port of Portland, to shepherd  to completion one of the largest-ever public works projects in the Pacific Northwest. 

Not to spend too much time on the details, but the basic effort was to deepen the Columbia River ship channel another three feet. The channel has been dredged to forty feet for decades, since the mid-1970's, but the extra yard became necessary for the ports to stay competitive -- to allow larger ships to call, and to load the smaller ones heavier. Talking billions of dollars. Thousands of jobs.

The notion started twenty years ago, and mostly nothing happened until five or six years had elapsed. There were some good folks working it, but they weren't getting traction. The Colonel on the Corps side, Bob Friedenwald, retired, then went to work for the ports.

Dianne signed on to something called the Channel Coalition, ran that for a time, then was hired by the ports to manage the project from their end. 

These days, every "i" must be dotted, every "t" crossed, the environmental regulations, at local, state, and national levels are so convoluted as to be nearly impossible to satisfy. Every agency and its kid sister had input and the ability to offer roadblocks. The elected officials in the Northwest had to work their asses off to keep the money coming in, and the two primary managers -- Dianne, at the ports, and Laura Hicks, at the Corps of Engineers, had to produce documentation that started with a slim notebook and eventually ran to shelves equaling thirty feet. Wetlands, mitigation, crab fishermen, dredge material disposal, town meetings, environmentalists, it was a long, long road, many bad stretches and blocks, and if not for the work of a bunch of folks, wouldn't have happened.

Chief among those who made it happen were Dianne and Laura. Without them, it would have died, more than a few times.

It's a big, big deal. 

It moved forward. Eventually dredging began. And this month, the last of the 103-mile stretch was finished. This seem to be a perfect time for Dianne to walk away, to retire on a high note that wasn't going to be topped. 

She did a thing, and it was of great import. It wouldn't have happened without her, and it will echo and reverberate through time for as long as there is ship traffic on the Columbia River. Something to be proud of, this.

And someone to be proud of, too.

Only Way To Escape walkthrough

Only Way to Escape walkthrough shows the exact solution and will guide you through this escape game. In the game, you try to escape by finding items and solving the puzzles and riddles that you will encounter. If you are playing this game and got stuck at some point of it, maybe its about time you seek for help. Perhaps the one and Only Way to Escape walkthrough is just fine.

No Door Escape 4 walkthrough

No Door Escape 4 walkthrough - Another installment in the No Door Escape point and click series game from Tasclab. Find items and solve the puzzles in this entertaining and challenging room escape game. Have fun!

No Door Escape 4 walkthrough

What's in a Name?

When I was a middle-schooler, the male/female career path in the U.S. was less flexible than it is now. There were mandatory classes for girls and boys that were different. We all took English, Math, and History, but the girls took Home Ec(onomics) and the boys took Shop.

Louisiana not being a bastion of equal rights, nor of anybody's liberation in particular, that's how it was in the early 1960s; however ...

There was a class that boys had to take either in the eighth or ninth grade. For the life of me, I can't recall the exact name, but it was something designed not to be off-putting to young men, Consumer Science or somesuch. Whatever the name, it was flat-out home ec -- the skills taught were how to iron a shirt, sew on a button, balance a checkbook, and basic cooking -- as I recall, we cooked two things: a hamburger, and fudge, which, when you think about it, was one more thing a young man in those days needed to know how to cook ...

Few boys in my day would have volunteered for such a course, given an option. Home-making was for women, and if you needed any of that stuff, that's what mothers and sisters were for, and what your wife would do once you left home and got hitched. Yeah, you might roast something over an open fire if you'd shot it, but cooking? In a kitchen? Sewing on buttons? Ironing a shirt? Geez Louise! Sissy stuff!

Of what I learned in junior high, that class was as useful as any, and more than most. In Shop, I learned not to put my fingers into the saw blade, how to make a ring out of  a Monel nut, and how to polish plexiglass. I have ironed more shirts, sewed on more buttons, and cooked way more hamburgers over the years, and even though my wife is better at all these things, I can, in a pinch, manage.

I think maybe a lot of what passes for education in today's schools might be tweaked and tuned toward the end of practicality thus, and earlier than senior year, too.

You know you've got a problem when....

This is my husband:

This is my husband on Bieber:

Any questions?

Willie With Weed

Country singer Willie Nelson has been busted for -- gasp! -- possession of cannibis! 

I -- I'm shocked! A musician with marijuana! A guitarist with ganja! A player with pot! 

What is this world coming to? 

And by Immigration this time. In Texas. Apparently they thought Willie Nelson's tour bus was full of illegal immigrants. Agent said he caught a whiff of weed when the bus's door opened.

A whiff? Shoot, I smelled those burning leaves all the way up here, in the rain. Willie's bus must go down the road like something from a Cheech and Chong movie -- you could hide a battlefield with the smoke ...

Does seem as if Willie gets busted every time they crank up the tour bus -- dope, dope, dope, even moonshine once. Man is seventy-seven years old. If he was gonna quit toking reefer, probably he'd have done it by now ...

Leave the man alone. He's not driving. 

K.O.L.M. walkthrough

KOLM walkthrough - The game is about a story of a broken robot and his struggle to fix himself so he can please his mother as he gather his components scattered around deep inside a maze-like labyrinth and restore his abilities. You start off as a piece of scrap in the game - no legs, no eyes just a piece of useless metal that moves very slowly and lame. But you'll get your self fixed if you would only do as your mother told you.
KOLM walkthrough.

You will find K.O.L.M an interesting and entertaining game however it can also be devastating if you got stuck at some point of the game but you'll be rewarded with capabilities if you can manage you to find all of the robot components. Here is a full K.O.L.M. walkthrough from start to end.

Empire Island walkthrough

Empire Island walkthrough - The game is another new point and click management strategy game from armorgames. It features a many stuff to do such as upgrading and achievements to unlock. Build your empire in an island and defend it from waves of enemies attacking from sea and sky by building base defenses like catapults, harpoons, defensive blocks and spikes.

Empire Island walkthrough.

You start off from the dark age and upgrade up to the age of augmentation if you can survive the ever growing waves of enemy ships. When enemies comes in so great in numbers, an act of God can be your greatest ally if used wisely. The game is entertaining and can be a good challenge to your management skills and quick thinking. Anyways, here is an Empire Island walkthrough video found so far. Sit back whilst I look for some more.

GunBlood Cheats Walkthrough

GunBlood Cheats walkthrough -  The game is another addicting point and shoot game developed by wolfgames on newgrounds. GunBlood gets you in a wild west style duel - weapon on your hip, when countdown went dead - shoot! The one who lives will be the winner and be hailed as the fastest gunslinger or get executed if caught cheating.
GunBlood Cheats.

GunBlood Cheat codes with their description:

nohit - it gives you invulnerability
moreammo - it gives you unlimited ammo
fastfire - shoot insanely faster
pointer - changes your mouse pointer to pretty butterfly with bright colors.. just kidding - it gives your weapon a laser pointer for better aiming..
Level jump codes - simply type the level you want to play i.e. type level10 if you want to jump to the 10th level of the game. The same for bonus levels i.e. type bonus4 if you want to play the fourth bonus level.

New Song

My songwriting goal was one a month when I started in September and I'm ahead of that -- three months, and at least six so far, four of which are recorded and up on SoundClick. After I've played this one through a few times, I'll take a stab at getting it down -- and since it's a seasonal thing, I need to get it done in the next couple of weeks.

Got what I think are some nice progressions, with slides -- a glissando chord here and there, done in D-major, enough minors to give it a bittersweet flavor,  and even a sharped-minor chord. Hubba hubba.

It’s Not Christmas
Hallowe’en but the lights are red and green, Santa Claus already on his wa-ay/ Every year it comes a little faster -- better get your presents wrapped by May.
Somewhere in the hype, the spirit it got buried, somewhere we lost sight of it al-ll/ Dig down through the tinsel and the Walmart gift cards and you really don’t need to shop the mall.

Put away your money, don’t load your credit card, we are only here for a little while/
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, and I hope you can be with those who make you smi-ile.
It’s not about the gifts and it’s not about the parties And it’s not about the turkey nor the tree/All the blessings of the season to the joy within your soul/ And remember all the best things are still free.
Chorus - then tag, from "Merry Christmas ..."

(Not a patch on Robert Earl Keen's "Merry Christmas from the Family," the hands-down best Christmas song ever -- it's a bit early, I'll post the video link here later, but if you want, you can see that here

Not a patch, but we all doin' what we can. Alors.)

Living With Dogs

Years ago, I heard the announcer on the Westminster Dog Show comment, "Around our house, dog hair is considered a condiment." I laughed, because it is so true -- when you have double-coated critters who shed all the time, and who blow their coats a couple times a year, the dust bunnies prowl the halls in packs. 

Yesterday, I had a keyboard malfunction. Actually, it was a variation of the Pepsi Syndrome -- from the old  SNL sketch about the guys who spilled a Pepsi on a keyboard at the nuclear power plant and set the klaxons hooting. We were out of drinking glasses -- all in the dishwasher after Thanksgiving -- so I had my water in a coffee cup and managed to slosh it onto my computer's keyboard.


Quickly, I flipped the board over and shook it, and got some of the water out, but not enough. I didn't get any hissing or sparks, not enough juice for that, but the circuit boards got wet enough so half the keys didn't work and I got that buzzing, clicking repeat. More, I managed to pull the chord hard enough to unplug something and the board went totally dead.

Okay, okay, fine. I need instructions in how to operate a wheelbarrow, and probably it would dry out, but the wires weren't going to re-connect themselves, so I reached for the screwdriver.

Long as I was going to take it apart, I figured I might as well pull the keys off and clean under them, too.

So, armed with tweezers, cotton swabs, alcohol, some Dust Off canned air -- well, it's not just air, but compressed gases that include #1-1-difluroethane, a refrigerant, so you don't want to be breathing it and risking death and all -- I went into anal retentive mode and took apart, cleaned, and dried out the sucker. 

Works fine now, as you can see, but I got enough dog hair out of it to make a rat terrier. Amazing. I can see how a computer tower with a cooling fan would gather hair and dust, but I never saw any dog hair land on the keyboard, so how it worked its way underneath the keys? 

It's like how the car seatbelt buckle sometimes gets twisted. You know, the insert somehow winds up facing the wrong way, and it's an absolute bitch to saw it up and down the strap and get it turned back around. If it takes that much effort, how did it somehow spontaneously get reversed in the first place?

Never a dull moment. 

ATM Escape 3 (Gazzyboy) walkthrough

Gazzyboy ATM Escape 3 walkthrough - This is another point and click room escaping game from the long list of popular gazzy games. The game sets in another room which is the ATM center where you would only withdraw some cash but unfortunately got trapped inside it. You will have to find your own way out by finding items, navigating around the game using the bars on the screen and solving puzzles along the way.

You know the drill - most escape games like this one can be really entertaining but also a pain if you got stuck at some point and don't know what to do next. Here is ATM Escape 3 walkthrough showing the solution for the game.

"Sneak Thief 2 Second Strike Walkthrough"

Sneak Thief 2 Second Strike walkthrough - This one is pastelgames' latest development for the Sneak Thief point and click game series. The game still features the hero ST but this time he's unfortunately trapped leagues under the sea. Build something to help him escape, perhaps a submarine that is capable of surfacing on the water.. or whatever.
Sneak Thief 2 Second Strike walkthrough.

The ST2 Second Strike walkthrough above shows the exact solution to beat the game. Enjoy your game!

Codeman Third Escape Walkthrough

Codeman Third Escape walkthrough - The game is the 3rd installment for the other two past codeman's escape games. The game sets in another room filled with puzzles to solve, what else. Search around the rooms and look closely to find items or objects that you will use in the right places. Figuring out one puzzle may lead to another item that you can use in other puzzles in the game. Good luck and enjoy your game!

Codeman Third Escape walkthrough.

Codeman Third Escape

Prizma Puzzle 3 walkthrough

Prizma Puzzle 3 walkthrough.Prizma Puzzle 3 is another point and click puzzle solving game from mofunzone. It is the third part for the popular sci-fi flash game series that now features a whole lot of puzzles and other features.

Prizma Puzzle 3 walkthrough

Another Black Friday

Thanksgiving has come and gone. My inlaws, their children and grandma have taken the big metal birds back home. Quiet here today -- when you have seven people walking around in the house and you reduce that number by five, it does that.

Had a fine visit. Good talks, good food, Nerf wars in the front yard, and walks on the beach. Watched some movies on the tube I wouldn't have otherwise, some good, some terrible. Sixteen of us for dinner yesterday and still have leftovers for a few days. I didn't even gain any weight though I ate like a pig. 

As these things go, it couldn't have been much better. Hope all of you who celebrate this holiday enjoyed your versions. 


English | PC | Developer: FireFly Studios | 630 MB
Genre: Strategy, Real-Time, Historic

Evergreen keturunan ambisi Anglo-Saxon menjadi kenyataan dalam permainan Stronghold, mewakili kombinasi dari unsur-unsur terbaik dari strategi real-time, "kota" simulator dan ekonomi RTS. Menjadi harapan dan dukungan di Inggris abad pertengahan - membangun istana Anda, menggabungkan tersebar di seluruh tanah untuk kebangkitan negeri ini!



Trendy Room Escape walkthrough

Trendy Room Escape is another new point and click escaping game from 123 bee. You know the drill if you are familiar with these kind of escape games -  move from room to room using the navigation bar in the sides and at the bottom of the screen to search around for items that are needed to solve the puzzles in the game.
Trendy Room Escape walkthrough.

Some objects can be found in places where you least expect them to be so look closely and think out of the box. The entire game is a big puzzle to solve and it is a challenging one. For guide, tips and hints you can refer to Trendy Room Escape walkthrough right after the cut.

Casualty/Causality Turkey Terror Walkthrough

Causality Turkey Terror is another new point and click wreck havoc to the animated stick figure game from bored. Like the Casualty game where you the game objective is to turn the normal happy scenario to a huge mess by bring maximum mayhem in the scene. Analyze the game first and think like out of the box to figure out what you can do to ruin this supposedly happy celebration of thanksgiving.

Causality Casualty Turkey Terror walkthrough.

Seriously, Causality Turkey Terror, like it's predecessor games, are difficult to figure out specially if you're not familiar with the scenario i.e. you don't celebrate thanksgiving or games like this are new to you. Some actions must be done with the right timing to trigger something. Nevertheless, the series of Casualty games are entertaining. Anyways, here is Causality Casualty Turkey Terror walkthrough (its not yet complete though).


Couple More Pictures

From the coast trip.

Turkey Liberation Front Escape 2 Walkthrough

Turkey Liberation Front 2 is the second installment for the TLF point and click series from by shatteredgames. As you may have already guessed, there is another turkey stuck in this sequel. Gather useful things you can find scattered around inside the garage to assemble your ultimate escape kit.

Turkey Liberation Front Escape 2 walkthrough.
TLFE 2 is basically an escape game so the first thing you might want to try is to pick up items that you can possibly use to improvise tools that you can use. Some items can combine with another to create a new object. If you have done all you can to finish the game on your own but still no good, it's time to use this Turkey Liberation Front Escape 2 walkthrough especially made for stuck people like you and me.

Great Dungeon in The Sky walkthrough

Great Dungeon in the Sky is another great platform adventure game on kongregate. The game feature hundreds of characters to be unlocked. From archer to goblins and many other creature and class. Each character have different skills and unique abilities that can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on what level you are playing. Take out as many enemies as you can in your way and make use of the new characters that you unlock that can proved to be useful in specific levels.

Great Dungeon in the Sky walkthrough.
The game is created with old school pixels giving you the environment of old NES games. The gameplay requires some quick fingers for quick attacking, jumping and dodging aggressive enemy however, the range class characters can be more cunning than the melee ones. Some gameplay in action in the Great Dungeon in The Sky walkthrough after the cut.

The ending battle with the final boss in Great Dungeon in The Sky walkthrough.

Chess Puzzle Escape walkthrough

Chess Puzzle Escape is another roctuc point and click escaping game sets in another weird room. Move from room to room using the navigation bars at bottom and sides of the game screen. Search around and look closely to every corner to find hints and items such as keys, gloves and knife. There puzzles in the game that needed to be solved first before you get to have some keys.

Chess Puzzle Escape walkthrough.

Keep in mind that you are in a room somewhat dedicated to the popular board game Chess - that means the puzzles in the game are possibly related to it. Anyways, aside from this game being entertaining, it is also a difficult one point or another so here is the full Chess Puzzle Escape walkthrough to help those who are extremely stuck in the game.

Grizzly Escape walkthrough

Grizzly Escape walkthrough.Grizzly Escape is another one of gamershood's point and click room escape game puzzle sets in an awkward looking kitchen in the middle nowhere. The objective in the game is simple - get out of that weird place after you figure out how you can do it not being eaten by the three vicious bears just outside the balcony.

There's another way aside from the balcony where grizzlies are waiting for someone to jump out of there. It's the most utilized passage that ordinary people use to get in and out of rooms commonly referred to as door. But the problem is it is locked and you need to open it up in one way or another. Search every room to find items that can be useful and solve puzzles in the game. Still stuck in the game? Try Grizzly Escape walkthrough which covers the full solution to it.

Polar PWND 2 walkthrough

Polar PWND 2 walkthrough -  This is the second part for the physics based topple the little penguins like dominoes puzzle game on kongregate. The game features 26 different challenging levels with different dangerous looking contraption in it such as giant propellers, military trucks and amusement park rides where you can crash your Russian bear to and utilize them to victory.

Polar Pwnd 2 walkthrough.

The villain from the prequel: Polar Pwnd which is Der Feather is back for revenge and have his new army to help him carry it out. Now it is you job to face off with him as Boris the bear with new items in your inventory such as rubber boxes, balloons, rockets and floating board at your disposal. If those insanely deadly objects in your arsenal is not enough for you to beat the game, here's a secret weapon called Polar PWND 2 walkthrough which includes the solution for the last level.

Robot Unicorn Attack Christmas Edition (iphone)

Robot Unicorn Attack Christmas Edition is adultswim's way of celebrating the holidays which also serves as a treat to fans of RUA iphone game. The xmas edition is priced at 99 cents (so technically it's not a free treat). Anyways, the gameplay of this one is indetical to the Heavy Metal Edition version only it is a Christmas themed one which means you'll see a lot of holiday stuff on it's levels including but not limited to; snow, pine tree, gift boxes and colorful candies with cameo appearance of lemmings - Santa's helpers.

Robot Unicorn Christmas Edition iphone game walkthrough.
This yuletide season iphone game is complimented with The Darkness tracks you can hear in the music background while you dash and leap cliffs. The game is also compatible for ipod touch and ipad, requires iOS 3.1 or later and is currently on version 1.0 with a file size of 15.6MB. If you have no idea what the game looks like in action, see video of Robot Unicorn Attack Christmas Edition below whilst we hunt walkthrough for this one.

Tentacle Wars walkthrough

Tentacle Wars walkthrough - This game is another point and click strategy game from gamerzhero. It features 20 different levels with increasing difficulty as you progress through the game. You control microbes in the game and the objective is to conquer enemy microbes by attacking them with your tentacles. Each microbe you infected will become yours to control and can be used to overpower the enemy.
Tentacle Wars walkthrough.

The game is pretty entertaining specially if you are a tactician type of gamer and a fan of precision. You won't see some special bright special effects on this one though. It's all about strategy and outnumbering the opponent. There are in game hints at the top of the screen by the way. Either ways, if you are currently playing this game and got stuck at some point of it, the Tentacle Wars walkthrough which caters all the levels in the game.

Here is the waltkhrough for the last levels of Tentacle Wars.

Snail Bob Complete Walkthrough

Snail Bob walkthrough.Here are a couple of videos showing the new point and click puzzle physics based game Snail Bob Completed Walkthrough. The game is about a slimy but spirited snail who got thrown far away out of his home by a monstrous demolition machine. Now he's ready to move on and journey to find his new home But... he can't make it alone so you have to help go through obstacles in his way.

Snail Bob features a nice and smooth graphics and animation complimented with good sound effects and background music. There are a variety of obstacle objects in the way that you can interact with in which timing and sequence matters a lot. On to the show, here are a couple of clips for the Snail Bob walkthrough all levels (1 to 20).

Grayscale Ecape Series 6 - The Studio walkthrough

Grayscale Escape Series 6 The Studio walkthrough - This is the latest episode thus far in the point and click room escape game series from rooms2escape. The game now sets in a colorless music studio. You are not familiar with the place and so you must find a way to get out of there before you get lost in it forever.

Grayscale Escape series 6 the studio walkthrough.
Look around to find different things that you can use to escape from the greyscale world. Look closely and try to analyze every room. The whole game is basically a puzzle and solving one will lead to solving the others. Here is Grayscale Escape Series 6 The Studio walkthrough showing the solution to it.