Stop That Noise walkthrough

Stop That Noise is another point and click physics based puzzle game on addictinggame. Stop the noise with a variety of bombs but it won't be that easy for you will have strategically place bombs in the right spot of structures and objects to make them collapse thus damaging the workers with the falling debris.

Stop That Noise walkthrough.
The game is pretty entertaining and challenging at the same time - really addicting. Anyways, if you got stuck at some point of the game, you can refer to the video of Stop That Noise walkthrough we have here to learn the solution to all the levels of STN.

IceBoy walkthrough

Iceboy is another platformer game on newgrounds. Set in a world covered with snow, you have to go through icy obstacles, missile turrets and ice melting laser to save the freezing planet somehow. The game features 11 challenging levels and three medal achievements to unlock.

IceBoy walkthrough.
This one is relatively difficult so chances are you will get pawned most of the time. But you can try as much as you want by pressing r to restart then carry on. Meanwhile, here is an IceBoy walkthrough we found so far plus the secret area solution.

Rolling Tires walkthrough

Rolling Tires walkthrough - This is another new physics based point and click game from puzzlegames24 on addictinggames. In every level there is a vehicle and a wheel in which you have to employ your physics thing to drop, knock and roll towards where it belongs.

Rolling Tires walkthrough.

For complete solution to this game here are some RT Rolling Tires walkthrough.

Confessions of Neurotic Book Buyer

Like all the best people out there, I'm a little crazy.  I have some serious OCD tendencies and an obsessive personality and I'm neurotic about some of the strangest things.

One, not very strange in my opinion, neuroses I have revolves around my books.  I love hardcover books - like love love love them.

I always prefer to buy hardcover over paperback.  There are practical reasons.  I can reread without wearing the book out.  I can lend it out without worrying it'll come back in tatters from too many people bending it every which way (I do not lend dust jackets).

But one of the real reasons, is that when I put the book on my shelf, it looks better - neater - when all the books are hardcover.

This becomes a real problem for me when books are paperback originals.  I still buy and read them of course, but I am always hoping the book will come out in hardcover later.  In fact, I compulsively check amazon to see if I can get a hardcover edition.

Like with Kim Harrison's The Hollows series.  The first several books came out in mass market before switching to hardcover.  Which of course presented a huge problem for my bookshelves.  I can't possibly display mass markets next to hardcovers but I can't break up a series either!  (After biting my nails and secretly stressing about it, I do now own this entire series in hardcover...and I still own those mass markets too.  They're shelved behind the hardcovers.)

Occasionally though it's hard to get a hardcover edition.  I've ordered them from the UK a few times.  Or I've bought them used when they're out of print.  (Side note: I'm also obsessive about collecting used books with inscriptions to other people.)  Which brings me to...


A few days ago, I ordered a used book online.  A hardcover, of course.  The bookseller described the book as being in excellent condition, no markings, no stickers, almost like the book looked new.  This was perfect for me.  I sent my money through the internet and awaited arrival of said book.

Today it came.


I didn't shed any tears, but I did have a minor fit in the office about it.  (Thankfully no one was hear to witness it.)  And then I ordered another copy from another bookseller after double-checking to make sure their copy does have a dust jacket.

I know how crazy this is.  I know.  But on the upside, people like me are the reason print books will never die.

Where is 2011? walkthrough

Where is 2011 is another point and click adventure riddle game from Mateusz Skutnik on pastelgames. Leave the year 2010 behind and start off fresh with the coming new year. But you have to find it first. Navigate around using your mouse and click on objects found in the game.

Where is 2011 walkthrough.

The game has nice gray graphics and fairly challenging puzzles in it. Anyways, if you are playing this game and have already given up, you can see the full solution shown in the video of Where is 2011? walkthrough below. Enjoy your game guys and happy new year to ya!

On the Nose

Edward Arlington Robinson

In scriptwriting, there is a term -- "on the nose." What this means is, the line or lines in dialog are predictable and expected, they sometimes sound forced, because the writer wants the audience to get something. 

The protagonist says this, the villain says that, and the protag finishes the exchange with a snappy comeback. 

If you are a movie-goer or TV watcher, at some point, you almost certainly knew after you heard the handsome-but-overconfident-guy say something to the much-smarter-and-plucky-girl exactly what her response was gonna be.

I sometimes do this out loud, to my wife's consternation: "Okay, he's gonna say this, then she'll say that, then the last line is gonna be ..."

There are times when this is the way to go. People like certain tropes in their fiction, and some of them have become staples. James Bond would offer a witty remark now and then in the first couple of Bond movies; after a few more movies, he never said anything but that the writers labored over it to make it as clever as they possibly could -- and the star always gets the bulk of clever or funny or soul-touching lines. Many movie stars have their own writers on-call whose jobs are to go over a script the star plans to do to make sure they shine brighter than anybody else on the screen. Apparently the way to get past this is to offer: "Yeah, it sounds on-the-nose, but lookit, actually it's full of subtext, here, and here, see ... ?"

Subtext here being something going on between the lines that makes 'em mean more than they seem to mean -- in my books, I do a riff on this called "fugue," in which speakers say one thing but mean something else.

Actors love subtext. 

There are times when on-the-nose isn't appropriate. If a movie-goer is one step ahead of everybody all the time, s/he can get bored. Part of the fun, especially in mysteries or caper movies, or even romances, is having to figure out what is going to happen, and to be frustrated or surprised when it doesn't go quite the way you thought it was gonna go. 

You go to a sports movie, you figure the protagonist is gonna win the championship. But the first Rocky movie twisted that nicely -- Rocky's win was staying on his feet, even though he got the crap pounded out of him and he lost the match. He redeemed himself -- even losing, he won. 

You go to a romantic picture, you want to the the boy and girl wind up together. But in Crazy Heart, Jeff Bridges loses the girl, and yet the movie still satisfies. He redeemed himself.

There are cliches that brush past this nose-category. Think about Boy and Girl who Meet Cute. Or the classic Boy-meets-girl-boy-gets-girl-boy-loses-girl-because-of-a-misunderstanding-boy-gets-girl-back-and-they-live-happily-ever-after, which surely came in with the first dinosaurs. Shakespeare used that one, and most light romantic comedies at which you can point still play it. Catch White Christmas this season?

You know these cliches because you've seen them:

The whore-with-the-heart-of gold. Or the venal-smuggler-only-interested-in-money-who-comes-around. The cop who breaks the rules but triumphs in the end ..

These kinds of thing can be small or large, in the scheme of the overall story. 

When I was a boy, one of my classmates, Harry Jordan* lived one block over. He was a nice enough guy,  was in my scout troop, we got along okay. But he was an over-achiever. Great student, polite, well-mannered, a jock, wouldn't step on an ant, had all the merit badges, eventually made it to Eagle Scout. 

At some point, my mother went through a phase of comparing me to Jordan:

"Look at Harry Jordan, what a great job he does mowing the lawn."

"I bet Harry Jordan doesn't sass his Momma that way."

"What did Harry Jordan get on the test? An "A," I bet."

Even his haircut was better than mine ...

Probably she didn't do this as much as I recall her doing it, but it was enough that I can still remember it now, and more than enough to put me off Harry at the time. Harry Jordan? Piss on him!

So let's say I wanted to write a script using Harry as a character as an adult. 

After I set him up as Mr. Wonderful, then the obvious turnaround is to cast him as an impotent drunken homeless crack-smoker. Hey, Momma? Check out your precious Harry Jordan now ... 

Turn that one again: Harry is only pretending to be an IDHC-S -- he's actually a Pulitzer-prize-winning reporter undercover to help take down a major dope-dealer.

Twist it again: Along the way in his investigation, he had to use drugs to fool somebody, and he got hooked on the stuff and --

Once more: -- he went into rehab where he met a gorgeous movie star and they have linked up and --

Or going another way, Harry is rich, famous, outwardly happy as everybody expected he would be, but inside, miserable -- a Richard Cory bound for suicide ...

Lot of ways to turn old Harry inside-out. At some point, it gets too twisty, and you have to leave it, but you get the idea. 

The questions you need to ask, are, Who is this guy, really? How did he get there from where he started? The what-when-why of it ...

How a writer makes it interesting for me is that s/he weaves things back and forth enough to keep me guessing, without getting me frustrated to the point where I don't care any more.

It's a tricky business, and the scope of some stories don't allow for it -- sometimes you have to go with the white hats and black hats. If you have the room, you can sometimes tinker with it. Darth Vader was lost in the dark side of the Force, would just as soon kill you as look at you, the corridors of his ship piled high with choked-out bodies. But in the end, he stepped up and did the right thing. Redeemed himself. Got him killed, but there you go ...

Something to keep in mind when you are telling your tale. At the right juncture, the unexpected turn can make your story really shine. (At the wrong juncture, it can lead to a dead-end. But figuring that out, that's the game, isn't it ... ?)

* Harry Jordan is not his real name. Changed to protect the guilty: Me ...)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (FULL RIP)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon merupakan rangkaian video game shooter militer taktis yang dibuat oleh Red Storm Entertainment, pengembangan game studio didirikan sebagian oleh penulis Amerika Tom Clancy. Ghost Recon juga telah novelized oleh Grant Blackwood dengan nama samaran David Michaels.

Dalam seri, pemain memimpin sebuah skuad, fiksi baru disebut sebagai Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat operator Pasukan Khusus dari Kompi D, Batalion 1, 5 Pasukan Khusus Group (SFG 5) ditempatkan di Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Kecuali untuk "Batalyon 1, SFG 5" penunjukan, unit ini sepenuhnya fiksi, sebagai Batalyon Pasukan Khusus saat ini hanya mendukung tiga Perusahaan (A, B dan C). Mereka kadang-kadang disebut sebagai "Ghosts". Peran mereka ini tidak berbeda dengan dunia nyata operasi lain pasukan khusus, dalam operasi mereka disimpan sangat rahasia.

Minimum System
  • Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista or 7
  • Proccessor 1,6 GHz or Better
  • 128 MB or better of available RAM
  • DirectX 8.0 compatible, 3D video card is needed, and your sound card must also be compatible with DirectX 8.0. Your TCP/IP connection must be 28.8 kilobits per second, or faster, for multiplayer.


Password Mediafire: alisoftware
Cara Install Ghost Recon
  1. Setelah Download Selesai, sekarang Anda Extract dengan Winrar atau 7zip, atau bisa langsung double klik file "Ghost.exe" tersebut.
  2. Setelah itu, Anda masuk ke Path/alamat di mana Anda Extract Ghost Recon tersebut, dan jalankan double klik file "Install.exe". Khusus untuk pengguna Windows 7 Anda harus RUN As Administror.Klik Install, kalau gak tahu coba liat gambar ini.
  3. Kemudian tentukan Path/alamat di mana Anda akan Install Ghost Recon ini. Di sini saya mencontohkan di "D:\Games\GhostRC", Anda bisa memilih path yang lain yang terpenting Anda harus tahu sisa Space Harddisk Anda. Kemudian klik INSTALL, lihat gambar jika tidak tahu.
  4. Tunggu hingga proses installasi selesai, biasanya memakan waktu 5 menit, tetapi tergantung spesifikasi komputer masing-masing. Jika selesai, sekarang klik "Exit" lihat gambar kalau tidak tahu tombol EXIT.
  5. Masuk ke Path/alamat di mana sebelumnya Anda install Ghost Recon tersebut, tadi saya contohkan di "D:\Games\GhostRC" oleh karena itu saya beranjak ke Path tersebut. Kemudian klik "Setup.bat".
  6. Tunggu hingga prosess installasi selesai, biasanya memakan waktu 10 menit, tetapi tergantung spesifikasi komputer masing-masing.
  7. Jika proses Installasi sudah selesai, sekarang Anda bisa memainkannya Ghost Recon tersebut. Untuk mempermudah Anda bermain, Anda bisa buat shortcut-nya di Desktop.
  8. PERHATIAN!! Khusus pengguna Windows 7 yang bermasalah, Ghost Recon harus dijalankan RUN Windows XP Service pack 3 dan Run As Administrator. Lihat gambar jika tidak tahu.

Books I Read in 2010

I read 116 books last year.  I was pretty impressed with myself.  Then I did my taxes and discovered I bought 157 orders of books on Amazon, and then there are all the books I bought at actual bookstores, plus ARCs I got from BEA or colleagues, and all the books I received as gifts.  Which means, I bought a lot more than I read.  Not so good.

Then I moved.  And in the process of packing up the TBR room, I discovered, the pile had grown (mathematically, this of course makes sense).  I now have 705 books in the TBR room.  Which means if I read a book a day, it will take me almost two years to read them all.

I doubt this is what my dad meant when he told me I should have a retirement plan, but it's the one I've got.

So here they are, the books I read this year.  I didn't quite get to 116, but I got over 100.  Favorites in bold, and yes some of them are re-reads.  Sometimes, it just must be done.  Even if you have over 700 books you haven't gotten to yet.

  1. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
  2. Lucky by Alice Sebold
  3. Jane Austen Ruined My Life by Beth Pattillo
  4. Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart by Beth Pattillo
  5. What I Saw and How I Lied by Judith Blundell
  6. Evernight by Claudia Gray
  7. Stargazer by Claudia Gray
  8. Hourglass by Claudia Gray
  9. You by Chuck Benoit
  10. The DUFF by Kody Keplinger
  11. The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
  12. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
  13. First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost
  14. Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell
  15. The Daughters by Joanna Philbin
  16. Storm Front by Jim Butcher
  17. Silver Bourne by Patricia Briggs
  18. Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta
  19. Deception by Lee Nichols
  20. Poseur by Rachel Maude
  21. Ghost Country by Patrick Lee
  22. Room by Emma Donoghue
  23. When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
  24. Shalador's Lady by Anne Bishop
  25. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
  26. The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
  27. The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
  28. The Passage by Justin Cronin
  29. War by Sebastian Junger
  30. Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce
  31. In the Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce
  32. The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce
  33. Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce
  34. Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead
  35. Lover Mine by JR Ward
  36. The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter
  37. The Spindle's End by Robin McKinley
  38. Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel
  39. Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
  40. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
  41. City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
  42. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
  43. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
  44. The Electric Church by Jeff Somers
  45. How to Grow Up and Rule the World by Vordak the Incomprehensible
  46. Matched by Ally Condie
  47. Waking the Witch by Kelley Armstrong
  48. Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
  49. The Insiders by J Minter
  50. Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
  51. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
  52. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
  53. Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
  54. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
  55. If I Stay by Gayle Foreman
  56. Faithful Place by Tana French
  57. Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
  58. Bound by Darkness by Annette McCleave
  59. Brush of Darkness by Allison Pang
  60. The Host by Stephenie Meyer
  61. The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
  62. Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison
  63. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  64. Dust by Joan Frances Turner
  65. Divergent by Veronica Roth
  66. Across the Universe by Beth Revis
  67. Sparrow Road by Sheila O'Connor
  68. Highborn by Yvonne Navarro
  69. Moonlight Mile by Dennis Lehane
  70. You Know When the Men Are Gone by Siobhan Fillion
  71. The Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville
  72. Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly
  73. Banished by Sophie Littlefield
  74. 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher
  75. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling
  76. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
  77. An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire
  78. Oogy by Larry Levin
  79. Wither by Lauren DeStefano
  80. The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney
  81. Soon I Will Be Invincible by Austin Grossman
  82. Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta
  83. The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta
  84. First Test by Tamora Pierce
  85. Page by Tamora Pierce
  86. Squire by Tamora Pierce
  87. Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce
  88. Fall For Anything by Courtney Summers
  89. Bloodthirsty by Flynn Meaney
  90. Twilight's Dawn by Anne Bishop
  91. Fallout by Ellen Hopkins
  92. Allison Hewitt is Trapped by Madeleine Roux
  93. Fallen by Lauren Kate
  94. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
  95. Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles
  96. Queen of Shadows by Dianne Sylvan
  97. Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi
  98. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
  99. Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr
  100. Made in Detroit by Paul Clemens
  101. Almost Moon by Alice Sebold
  102. Firelight by Sophie Jordan

One book every 3 days, 13 hours.

360 Amigo System Speedup Pro v1.21

Tingkat Kecepatan Komputer Anda dengan Software Utility yang Ringan dan Lengkap!

Mungkin program ini masih sangat Asing, dikarenakan software ini masih baru dan publikasinya masih agak jarang. Tidak seperti halnya TuneUp 2011, ASO, dan software utility lainnya yang lebih terkenal. Meskipun tidak terkenal, bukan berati tidak bagus.. Malah software ini menjadi Rekomendasi untuk digunakan di semua PC berbasis Windows. Mengapa Demikian ? Karena software ini selain berguna untuk meningkatkan PC kita, juga memiliki Tools yang tidak dimiliki software utility lainnya seperti TuneUp 2011, ASO, dll.

Diataranya software ini memiliki beberapa fitur yakni:

Junks Files:
-Browser Aktivity
-Shortcut Link
-User Defined Path
Registry Cleaner:
-Registry Errors
-Third Party Applications
-Full System Scan

Process Manager
Service Manager
Startup Manager
Internet Defense

Dan memiliki beberapa Tools yang tidak dimiliki oleh software utility manapun
Duplicate File Finder
Disk Analyzer
File Shredder
Repair Network(LSP)
Super Explorer
Force Copy File
Empty Folder scanner
Registry Defrag
Disk Wiper
MBR Backup/Restore
Super Regedit
Force Destroy File
Zero sized files Scanner
Registry Backup/restore
File Encryption/Decryption
Host File Manager
Rootkit Detektor
File/Folder Backup

List Of Drivers
File Recovery
System information


Kalau Menurut Saya Software ini Lebih Bagus dari pada TuneUp 2011 karena lebih ringan juga memiliki banyak tools yang tidak dimiliki oleh TuneUp 2011. Dan ini bakalan akan menjadi saingan berat Tuneup 2011.

Ketika Install Masukan :
SERIAL : 5E3422139C19CBED35C14826A44D4605

Prison Planet walkthrough

Prison Planet is another strategic point and click defense game on mofunzone. The game sets in a far, far away planet where human prisoners are needed for a grand purpose. Apparently, they are try to escape and it is your duty to stop them, but killing them is not an option so you will have to use stun guns and staffs to take them down instead.
Prison Planet walkthrough.
Controlled entirely by mouse, you have to strategically place guards around to intercept escaping prisoners. You will earn points for every human you take down and can use it to make upgrades on your guards weapons. Also make use of the teleport ability and attack dog to your advantage. Tip: Sometimes, these two abilities are just what you need to beat specific levels in the game. Meanwhile, here is PP Prison Planet walkthrough for level 2 reactor room.

Super Santa Duder Shooter walkthrough

Super Santa Duder Shooter is another holiday themed physics based point and click game from shockwave. Help santa make it down 36 chimneys to make Christmas happen by giving him the right reindeer power kick. The game is controlled entirely by mouse - aim and adjust the power of the kick before kicking him by clicking.

Super Santa Duder Shooter walkthrough.
This one is equally entertaining like ragdoll cannon series only it is xmas themed. There are also other objects in some levels such as seesaws, crates and trampolines that you can use to your advantage. Anyway, if you need some tips, hints, solutions or the complete (SSDS) Super Santa Duder Shooter walkthrough just continue scrolling down.

Squadron Auriga walkthrough

Squadron Auriga is another point and click strategy defense game from funevergames. In this game, you are with the last squadron in the planet Insectus - a world where insects are kinda huge and extremely terrible. It is easy to play and tutorial at the beginning will tell you everything you need to know about the gameplay.

Squadron Auriga walkthrough.

The game features 12 campaign levels and a domination mode upon achieving lieutenant medal if you want more action. The graphics and animation are pretty neat as well as the sound and background music. Meanwhile, here is the first part of SA Squadron Auriga walkthrough we have here.

Lego Racer 2

Diambil dari kasus permainan: Anda telah membangun kembali car.You Anda siap untuk roll. Jadi grit gigi dan pergi Dan kau pergi ke gigi berderak pembalap petualangan toLEGO sekuel di mana Anda akan menemukan kaki-ke-lantai-excitementfrom awal sampai akhir!. Pertama membangun mesin impian Anda sebelum balap melalui lima dunia lego yang luar biasa dengan rambut-tantangan meningkatkan dan fitur baru meledak di seluruh dunia setiap corner.Explore masing-masing di terik kecepatan seperti yang Anda forthe pencarian didambakan Golde Bricks. Semakin banyak Anda mengumpulkan, semakin jauh Anda akan mendapatkan terhadap againstthe tantangan utama meaner lebih ramping, Rocket Racer Jadi dapatkan! siap untuk perjalanan hidup Anda! * Kunjungi 5 dunia baru LEGO, termasuk mars, Kutub Utara dan pulau Dino .* Race di 24 trek, dan pada seorang sopir bos masing-masing di dunia .* Membangun dengan mobil unggul baru - dan karakter - constructionfeatures .* Cari game bonus tersembunyi .* Bermain melawan teman-teman Anda .* Smash melalui pemandangan dirusak ...

System Komputer Yang Dibutuhkan
  • PROCESSOR : Pentium II 266MHz
  • MEMORY : 64MB
  • VIDEO : 16MB Display Memory / Direct3D Compatible
  • SOUND : 100% Windows(R) 95/98/ME – DirectX(R) 8.0 compliant.
  • CD-ROM : 12X or Greater CD-ROM / DVD Drive
  • HARD DRIVE SPACE : 200MB / 450MB [Free and uncompressed*]
  • NPUT DEVICE/S : Windows 95 / 98 / ME – 6+ Button-Joystick
  • 6+ Button-GamePad and Keyboard.
  • DIRECTX : LEGO Racers 2 requires the installation of DirectX(R) 8.0a


Password Mediafire : alisoftware

Paranormal Shark Activity

Paranormal Shark Activity is another fun platforming game about a shark trying to eat a dude and so the dude keeps on jumping from platform to platform sometimes hitting bouncy objects and obtaining a bomb randomly hanging in the air which the dude uses to throw at the giant killer shark. Thus making the ferocious beast change position and giving whoever is playing a heart attack. Or is it about surviving for as long as you can while trying to earn all of the medals and one secret achievement in the game.

Paranormal Shark Activity walkthrough.
Anyways, the game is very entertaining and is really good to kill some time with. Achieving higher medals are difficult (we could use some cheats on this =)). Meanwhile, here is a PSA Paranormal Shark Activity walkthrough video showing the gameplay.

Magnetic Rush walkthrough

Magnetic Rush is another unique physics base puzzle game on armorgames. In this game, you play as the master of magnetic force which you can use to control magnets to navigate them around through each level of this dynamic game.

Magnetic Rush walkthrough.

Score in the game is determined by number of magnet activation and amount of time used. This one is quite entertaining and have enough progressive difficulty. Anyways, if you got stuck at some point of it, you can refer to the video of (MR) Magnetic Rush walkthrough explaining how to win each of its levels.

I love this

Swoonworthy scenes in YA movies.

New eBook

This one, mostly essays from the blog, is another non-fiction addition to the e-bookery. According to the guy that runs Smashwords, ebook biz is going to get better in 2011, and he's predicting it could hit as high as 20% of total book sales by year's end. 

I dunno if that's so, but the times are a' changin', for sure.

Langmuir Windrows

As somebody who hasn't kept his finger on the pulse of modernity, I am sometimes surprised by terminology with which up I haven't kept. Swimming about in my own Sargasso, I get caught up in the Langmuir circulation and miss stuff outside my little eddies. 

Apparently, I need to get out more.

Case in point: I have heard the terms "mow the lawn," "trim the hedges," "landing strip," in reference to pubic hair grooming; even "metrosexual," but until this week, I'd never come across the word "manscaping "

The neologism apparently came from the TV series Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, in August, 2003. 

I can't imagine how I somehow missed that episode -- and series -- but miss 'em I did.

Bodybuilders in the 'zines have shaved it all off forever, and I know what it looks like; I just never knew it had such a ... well, faggy-sounding name ...

Live and learn. Never a dull moment.

The Dark Side of YA

Check out the Discussion.

18 Wheels Of Steel Haulin

Kehidupan di jalan yang penuh dengan rintangan. Apakah Anda memiliki jus untuk pergi dari gearjammer manusia bos dalam bisnis angkutan truk? Mendaki di dapat dan mencari tahu! Kau kemudi seluruh operasi, dari memilih truk untuk menyewa driver dalam armada Anda. Hindari bahaya dan Anda akan pengangkutan itu masuk Tapi, membuat salah berbelok terlalu banyak di sepanjang jalan dan itu bisa menjadi sia-sia.

Bahwa kebakaran di perut Anda akan membawa Anda langsung ke atas. Mengambil risiko, kas dan upgrade rig Anda. Kerja keras dan Anda mungkin berakhir mengemudi seluruh pertunjukan!Haulin 'mengambil seri kembali ke akar simulasi nya truk. Dengan penekanan yang jauh lebih tinggi di sisi bisnis angkutan truk dari permainan, keterampilan pemain mengemudi serta naluri bisnis secara konstan ditantang.

Minimum system requirements:
  • Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • Pentium 4 1.4 Ghz or 100% compatible
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 540 MB HD Space
  • 64 MB DirectX/Direct3D and T&L compatible video accelerator card
  • DirectX 9.0c or later
  • DirectX compatible sound card
  • Mouse
  • CR-Rom drive

Password Mediafire : alisoftware

Made Man (FULL RIP)

Game Ringan Tapilan Grafis Keren...!!

Made Man 'adalah tindakan petualangan orang ketiga yang mengikuti Joey Verola karena ia diindoktrinasi ke dalam, dan kemajuan melalui, hirarki organisasi kejahatan paling terkenal dalam sejarah, Mafia. Bentang alur cerita tiga dekade hidupnya, dari horor Vietnam ke hutan perkotaan Brooklyn, tetapi ia menghindari kendala kronologis klise banyak permainan lainnya.

Made Manusia memiliki plot yang sangat kuat, dengan misi yang ditulis oleh otoritas laris di Mafia, David Fisher. Daud kolaborasi dengan caporigieme pensiun Mafia Bill Bonanno, anggota senior dari keluarga Bonanno kejahatan, telah memastikan bahwa setiap langkah karir dan misi didasarkan pada insiden Mafia otentik. Keterlibatan otoritas ini memberikan sebuah keaslian dengan isi permainan dan juga memberikan peluang pemasaran yang cukup besar.

Minimum System Requirements:
  • OS: Windows 2000/XP
  • CPU: 1.0 GHz
  • RAM: 256 MB
  • Video: 128 MB


Password Mediafire: alisoftware