
To take my mind off Comcast's snafu, in which most of my email for the last few weeks has been going into the void, naturally I decided to go and check out the new technology that will likely cause me problems ...

Dropped by the Mac store. Asked the guy, So, what's the delivery time on the new iPad?

I have no idea, he said. Deadpan.

I thought that was funny. No, really.

No, really ...

The word on the net says 4-5 weeks, but that doesn't really mean anything, and it might be two months.

Naturally, with a world-wide rollout, Apple once again didn't make enough of 'em to go around, and so the line forms at the left and stretches quite a ways.

This is complicated somewhat further: There are nine possible configurations of the new toy: Three sizes, 16, 32, or 64 gigs; There are two communication options: wifi only, or wifi with 3G capability. That brings us to six, but: the 3G options are subdivided into two more choices, AT&T or Verizon, so which version you want determines which list you get put upon, vis a vis the delivery ...

Never a dull moment around here, nossiree ...