Good Intentions, Part II

And wasn't it just a week ago yesterday how I said I was going to start back in on Churl, the Matador novel that picks up twenty years after the fall of the Confed?

A quick check of my posts shows this to be so. 

And I have been working upon it, got a couple thousand more words. Rolling right along. Spetsdöds about to start going off as the bad guy makes a run at the good guys, too.

But: didn't I also say as soon as I made that decision that something else would pop up to get in the way, because that's how it always goes?

Give this man a cigar. 

That theoretical new military space opera series of which I spoke a month or so seems to have firmed up. Nothing signed yet, but a legitimate offer. Less than I would like, of course, since that is always the case for every book I have ever written, but given the market-in-the-toilet conditions, one has to adjust one's expectations unless one is Stephen King. 

One isn't Stephen King here.

Oh, well. 

I will let you know once things get inked exactly about what it is we are talking, and when such books might see the light of day and all.

Stay tuned.