The Cape

So, yeah, I'm a sucker for comic book masked crime fighters -- not, in this case, super-heroes, and yes, there is a difference. Spider Man is a super-hero who wears a mask. Batman is but a masked crime fighter. You do see why, don't you?

Anyway, so I watched the premiere of NBC's The Cape tonight.

It had great promise ...

Didn't deliver it for me. Too on-the-nose -- scroll down a few days on the blog and you'll see what that means, if you don't already know. 

I like the Obi-wan character, the circus master, played by Keith David -- he used to do voices on a Disney toon I wrote for, Gargoyles. Good actor. But overall, I won't be putting this one on my must-watch list.

Too bad. 

I expect that Robocop, Spawn, and The Destroyer, just to name the first three that spring to mind, could call the po-lice and get The Cape's writers arrested for theft, too. If there was something in the show not swiped from one of those, I missed it.

My collaborator Reaves once wrote a duology featuring a cloak-fighter. His guy was better. Out-of-print, but if you can find copies of The Shattered World and The Burning Realm, pick 'em up.