eBook Info

Dunno if I posted this here before, but I got a query, not the first, about what format the ebooks are in.

Here's what Smashwords offers -- and if you buy there, you can choose any or all of these.

Available Ebook reading formats:

FormatFull Book
Online Reading (HTML)View
Online Reading (JavaScript)View
Kindle (.mobi)Download
Epub (open industry format, good for Stanza reader, others)Download
PDF (good for highly formatted books, or for home printing)Download
RTF (readable on most word processors)Download
LRF (for Sony Reader)Download
Palm Doc (PDB) (for Palm reading devices)Download
Plain Text (download) (flexible, but lacks much formatting)Download
Plain Text (view) (viewable as web page)View

Amazon.com's version is .mobi, and B&N's is whatever B&N's is. There are a couple here on the site not available elsewhere and they are in PDF. I expect that most of the dedicated ereaders and computers out there can find something here that works for 'em.