Gotta Love the Hype

Before (above) 

After ...

So, super-model Heidi Klum has revealed her anti-aging secret. You can go watch the vid, but I can sum it up for you: She's thirty-seven.

There it is, folks. Best way to look young is to be young. 

Amazing, isn't it?

It cracks me up every time I see one of these miracle-cream anti-age commercials featuring a twenty- or thirty-something woman smiling through her Botox as the V.O. blathers on about how this goop smoothes out wrinkles. Uh huh.

When they put somebody up who looks like Mother Teresa at eighty, rub some of the miracle formula onto her face and make her look like Heidi Klum? Then they'll get my attention. Until then, it's snake-oil ...