Heart of Tota Walkthrough

Who cares for a Heart of Tota puzzle type game video guide, raise your point and click hand? I am talking about a five minute walkthrough video of that flash game from Pencilkids waiting down below this paragraph. Actually, it's just a matter of heart beats away from being watched by you. So what are you waiting for? Push play and the video should go "Play tower defense game dot com, your free source of tower defense games". Oh what am I saying here? Well, you're not reading this anyway so it's okay for me to write very random? lolwut? Here's Heart of Tota Walktrhough. Enjoy!

Geez, that Tota's Heart, oh, Heart of Tota walkthrough I mean really is cool. And what's cooler is my previous post so check it out-- Escape 5 The Freezer Walkthrough