The ratings are in: Mississippi is the fattest state–six years running the champion!–in terms of its citizenry, followed by Alabama, West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and, of course, Louisiana.
All that fried food ...
Colorado is the skinniest, D.C., Hawaii, Montana, and Massachusetts behind the mountain climbers and skiers ...
Oregon is closer to the lowest than to the most obese (35th fattest) and dropped three slots this year. They are one point chunkier in Washington state.
Of course, the study uses the BMI, and for one of the first times I've ever seen, admit that such doesn't take into account jocks, which is a small victory. Still, among non-jocks, I suspect the pinch-test will show that crackers are still porkier than the rest of the country.
Not really a surprise.
Yownt fries wid dat?