Actually, I don't have anything against him. He does what he does, I do what I do, we don't see eye to eye, that's all.
Those of you who don't know, Marc "Animal" MacYoung is a writer and teacher who specializes in reality-based self defense; he has produced a number of well-received books and videos on the subject, and has even teamed with Rory Miller on recent projects. (It should be no surprise to long-time readers here that I'm a big fan of Rory Miller's work, and he and I don't see eye to eye on everything, either. What makes a horse race, isn't it?)
Why don't MacYoung and I chat any more? Some years ago, I was a member of his email list, whereupon there were now and again some spirited discussions of things martial. We often disagreed on philosophical points regarding matters of mayhem and assorted social interactions.
For several reasons that won't mean anything to anybody not directly involved, Marc and his wife Dianna and I–she moderated the email group–arrived at a place where our disagreements made continuing dialog impossible to maintain. It was either apologize for something I said or I wouldn't be allowed to post any more, so I elected instead to leave–given as how I expected it to be a particularly cold day in Hell before I would back off my position, and fuck you very much ...
Strong-willed people disagree all the time. C'est la vie.
I have my view of what was what, I'm sure they have theirs, and naturally, I am inclined to hold that my view is the more reasonable one, but, of course, I would, wouldn't I? Doesn't mean that it's right. I expect them to feel the same way about how they saw it.
MacYoung has lots of folks who like and admire him. I am just not counted among them ...