The Last Stand Union City is a new zombie rpg shooting game from Conartist. This is the latest installment for the popular and successful zombie game series. It sets where the last game ends - Union City where you hope to find salvation in the zombie chaos. Scavenge, search, shoot and survive your way through this vast city. There are two modes in this game; Run n Gun in which all you need to do is blast your way to freedom and then there's the survivor mode for a more realistic experience where the need for sleep and food will be added to your survival requirements.
Unlike the previous TLS game where you play the defense, here you wander the city in search of useful items, weapons and safe houses taking out every undead that gets in your way. It took some time for this sequel to come out but it's worth the wait. Now, let's all enjoy its awesomeness. Meanwhile, I am collecting videos The Last Stand Union City walkthrough (TLSUCw) for everyone to see so visit often to check for new updates.