Update on First Page Shooter

I have an update! So far, as of this morning, First Page Shooter has received over 700 emails. This is of course really exciting. I was afraid no one would send any emails and this would be a bust. (I know, everyone keeps asking me why I was thinking that...)

Of course, the downside is that with so many emails, even if I post one a day and don't get any more, it's going to take me two years to do them all.

I don't want to discourage anyone from sending pages, but I do want to reiterate that just because the pages get sent doesn't mean they're going to get posted. Joanna and I will do our best to critique as many as we can.

Also, the first critique will go up on the blog on Wednesday 4/20 around 11:30 am. Anyone should feel free to comment on the post, as long as the comments are productive rather than simply negative. Comments can also disagree with the critique, again as long as they're productive. Any personal attacks will be deleted.

After reviewing the critique, if the author of the first page would like to revise and try again, her or she may do so, by resubmitting.

And finally, please keep in mind this critique is simply one agent's opinion, and one based solely on the first 250 words. It is not at all intended to be a comment on the author's writing ability as a whole. I of course believe in my own opinion, but it is my opinion alone.

So! Look for the first critique tomorrow.