Matadors: Good News, Bad News

For my nine fans who worry about such things, some news on the Matador front.

First, the bad news: Ace isn't interested in continuing the series. So while I might be doing some business with them on other projects–I'll keep you posted on that, it's too early to go there–the new books upon which I have been desultorily-working will not live in the home where their older brothers and sisters grew up.

I suspected as much after all the months of not getting an answer, and that's how it is. Nothing personal, just business, and in the paperback F&SF market now, business is lousy.

The good news: Ace is willing to revert the rights to the series, which means I can, in some form, offer them to the public again. There is paperwork to be filed and fiddled with, and it won't happen right away, it can take months, but at least we can start that ball rolling. 

For people who have worn out, or who lent copies of these and never gotten them back, and who want to read them again, they will be available in some form. Probably electronically, maybe POD, we'll have to see.

This will also mean that new titles, such as Churl and Siblings of the Shroud will be marketed the same way. It would be my goal to make the entire backlist available, and any frontlist that I generate right next to it. 

This wasn't the way I would have chosen, but the times, they are a'changin', and as the song has it, Better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone.

There's action! Adventure! And mystery ... !

Tune in again next week for more of the amazing adventures of Writer Man ...