There are so many resources out there for writers. Industry blogs, forums and websites comparing agents, advice from writers. But it occurred to us there's something that might be missing.
As agents, we have to be grabbed by the very first page of a writer's manuscript. And that manuscript has to continue holding onto us all the way to the end.
Sometimes we get great queries, with concepts that sound fantastic, and then we read the first pages...and end up disappointed. Sometimes we don't even make it to the end of the first page before we decide to pass.
Which means that first page is just as important as your query.
About six months ago, I did a first pages intensive workshop at a writer's conference, and I looked at the first two pages of several of my favorite published books, and then I looked at the first two pages of the writers in the workshop and told them where I'd stop reading and why.
Friday, I'll write about first pages that work in different genres, and then I want to hear from you.
Starting today, anyone who's brave enough can send me the first 250 words of their manuscript (email, and either Joanna or I will provide editorial feedback.
For more details, see the links on the sidebar.