Odds 'N' Ends

Sometime during the night, the blog's total attendance since it started crossed half a million. 

Those who are interested in the Matadors, there has been no movement on offers from Ace. There's a clock ticking here, but I'm not sure how long it has to run before I do something. If Ace gets around to making an offer soon, I'll proceed apace. If not, I have to decide what I am going to do and there are a couple of options to consider. I will let you know.

Dan Moran has made a pass through the steamboat fantasy novel Reaves and I did, The Dreadnaught, preparing it for sale on his site. Apparently, this will include offering a version that, should a reader wish to do it, will be suitable for POD.

Editor's Note: The book is up, and the link, here, and on the ebook list, takes you there. Reaves and I will fiddle around with trying to do a POD, but since the book would be almost 600 pp in print, that'll mean it will cost about twenty bucks for a trade paperback, plus four bucks shipping. I wouldn't look for my fame and fortune there ...

Raining again today. Springtime in western Oregon. ...