The Joy of Extremism - Madness Prevails

A nut-job preacher in Florida burns a Koran in front his small flock of nut-job followers. 

The media puts it on the teevee after the nut-job posts it on YouTube.

Cut to: Afghanistan, where nut-job fundamentalists of a different religion incite riots because of the Floridian nut-jub that end up in ten people getting killed and eighty more injured.

Snuffed out, beat to pulps, broken, smashed, buildings torn down. It beggars belief–except that it doesn't, not really.

If ever you needed an example of why religious extremism is a bad thing–and let's face it, after the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Irish Troubles, and much of how things are done in the Middle East no matter where you stand or which way you look, you don't really need any more examples–then here is another microcosmic event that illustrates it perfectly: A crazy man does something looney and people halfway around the world run around killing folks because of it.

The monsters aren't due on Maple Street, because they have always been there.

This kind of behavior has no place in a civilized society, and is proof that we terrans have a long way to go to get there. Plus it justifies my concealed weapons permit in spades. When the loons come into the 7-Eleven chanting the name of their god–whichever one it happens to be–I want to send a few of them to hell before they take me out, so as to hold the gate open when I arrive down below for my interview.

Can nobody else see how fucking insane this is?