Winner - Highborn by Yvonne Navarro

Best Character Names
Mike Koch @ 6:51 pm

Best Love Triangle between the protagonist, Pee Wee, and the Were-Mer-Bear
Yahong Chi @ 9:36 pm

Best Description/Imagery
abrielle1 @ 11:15 pm

Best Soundtrack
taratyler @ 11:47 pm

Best Last Line
Pamela @ 5:02 pm

Best Dialogue
Alex @ 7:42 pm

Best Game Show
brian_ohio @ 9:02 am

Best Use of the "Beware the Were-Mer-Bear"
Heather Rebel @ 1:01 pm

Best Description of the "Were-Mer-Bear"
justwritecat @ 10:22 PM
they leap into the sky and remain airborne for extended periods of time

And the runner up is...

Elizabeth @ 8:51 pm

She shifted from foot to foot, feeling the betrayal: Where was her husband, with their tickets to see Pee-Wee Herman on Broadway? She waited across the street from the theater, underneath the bright lights of a marquee that read “Beware of the Were-Mer-Bear.” The round bulbs spread out above her in a V, like brightly illuminated wings in the night, turning her shadow into something as thin and stretched as she felt. She looked to the sky, but she knew she wouldn’t have the kind of comeback Pee-Wee did. Her husband had already found another playhouse.


Our Winner is 

Alex @ 10:56 pm

It warms the cockles of my heart that the “Beware of the Were-Mer-Bear” sign has the neighborhood Pee Wee’s and Scuge Muffins so terrified. Nothing betrays the mind more than the wings of imagination. The ground based motion sensor spot light blinding their scurrilous little faces helps too. As soon as they set foot on the lawn the sky lights up and I begin roaring “Down Were-Mer-Bear, DOWN!” over the howling zombie recordings I took with me when I retired from the film editing suite. Fact is I’d be bored if it weren’t for the kids.

Congratulations to everyone for fantastic entries.  Sorry it took me so long to get results up (blame it on that nasty flu going around)!  Alex, send me an email with your address and I'll send you a copy of Highborn by Yvonne Navarro.