Christmas Song

Okay, the usual excuses: The light was bad, my arm was tired. I had two broken fingernails, and this was maybe the fifth time I sang the new song all the way through. Plus my voice is what it is, and my guitar squeaks are part and parcel of it ...

Listen to it here, or in the player down the page on the right. 

I figure another score of songs, I might start getting a little better at it. It's part of the creative process, the willingness to produce a certain amount of crap. Everybody has to start somewhere, and that becomes the benchmark to show improvement -- if there is any ...

Got to put my car in the shop -- that cooling fan thing came back and it's guzzling coolant -- thermostat, maybe a leak somewhere. First time in for repairs since I got it, if you don't count the bodywork when I got the front end caught on a ladder ... Not bad for an '06 model. With any luck, it won't take too long to fix, nor cost an arm and a leg ...