My songwriting goal was one a month when I started in September and I'm ahead of that -- three months, and at least six so far, four of which are recorded and up on SoundClick. After I've played this one through a few times, I'll take a stab at getting it down -- and since it's a seasonal thing, I need to get it done in the next couple of weeks.
Got what I think are some nice progressions, with slides -- a glissando chord here and there, done in D-major, enough minors to give it a bittersweet flavor, and even a sharped-minor chord. Hubba hubba.
It’s Not Christmas
Hallowe’en but the lights are red and green, Santa Claus already on his wa-ay/ Every year it comes a little faster -- better get your presents wrapped by May.
Somewhere in the hype, the spirit it got buried, somewhere we lost sight of it al-ll/ Dig down through the tinsel and the Walmart gift cards and you really don’t need to shop the mall.
Put away your money, don’t load your credit card, we are only here for a little while/
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, and I hope you can be with those who make you smi-ile.
It’s not about the gifts and it’s not about the parties And it’s not about the turkey nor the tree/All the blessings of the season to the joy within your soul/ And remember all the best things are still free.
Chorus - then tag, from "Merry Christmas ..."
(Not a patch on Robert Earl Keen's "Merry Christmas from the Family," the hands-down best Christmas song ever -- it's a bit early, I'll post the video link here later, but if you want, you can see that here.
Not a patch, but we all doin' what we can. Alors.)