Ordinary Discipline

Let's talk about ordinary discipline. Not the kind of thing where you get trapped by a boulder and saw off your own arm with a dull knife, or deliberately walk into withering  machinegun fire, or even force yourself to sit down and do your income taxes, but the day-to-day stuff. Things that you elect to do that don't, in the moment, really stir your passions.

On that front, I have a small victory and a small loss to report today. 

The victory: I needed to go to the gym and work out. I mean, this membership is costing me eight bucks a month! and if I don't go at least once or twice a week, why, that's just pissing the money away. But my wife had a yoga class elsewhere. And there I was, on my leather recliner with the cat on my lap and the dog lying next to me. It was nice and warm in the living room. Outside, it was chilly, a hair above forty degrees F., damp, though the rain had stopped. It was still rush hour, so the traffic was going to be crappy. And there's that wanting-to-do-nothing-but-eat-and-hibernate that always comes with the time change.

You know, where they cut a piece of rope off one end  and then tie it to the other end to make it longer? Daylight savings? Where it gets dark at five o'clock?

It was tempting. If I stayed home, who would know? 

Sigh. Unfortunately, I would.

I stirred my lazy ass up, dressed in sweats, grabbed the water bottle and off I toodled. 

As always, once I got there, I was glad I went. Hit the weights, stretched, did my djurus, and we're talking an investment of forty-five minutes. Victory.

On the way home, I heard Baja Fresh call my name: Yo! Stevie! Shrimp Diablo burrito! Come on, you don't have anything thawed for supper. And you just worked out, probably burned three, four thousand calories, right? C'mon ...

Okay, I had a light lunch, no snacks during the day, no sugar, and I could get the burrito without the cheese-melt and molĂ© sauce, right? 

Still, I had plenty of fruit and veggies and nuts and all like that at home. What to do?

Since I gave it away in the lead, you already know ...

Batting .500. Not so bad.