If that's too cryptic, Sandford, whose name is larger than the titles on his novels, which tells you his status, is a mystery writer who has a long-running series about a cop/state investigator named Lucas Davenport, who lives and works in Minnesota. These all have Prey in the title and far as I know, they all hit the tops of the bestseller lists.
Camp, a reporter, won a Pulitzer before he skyed off into fiction. Writing as John Camp, he did several books about Kidd, a computer expert/thief, before introducing Davenport under the Sandford pseudonym. The Prey books took off, and three or four years ago, he broke out Virgil Flowers, a supporting character, into his own books, of which there are now four titles.
These are page-turners and potboilers -- which are not bad things in my mind -- and I always enjoy the trip to the generally-cold Minnesota country for the romp.