Bad Blood

If you are a John Sandford (John Camp) fan, all you need to know is "that fucking Flowers" is back, in Bad Blood.

If that's too cryptic, Sandford, whose name is larger than the titles on his novels, which tells you his status, is a mystery writer who has a long-running series about a cop/state investigator named Lucas Davenport, who lives and works in Minnesota. These all have Prey in the title and far as I know, they all hit the tops of the bestseller lists.

Camp, a reporter, won a Pulitzer before he skyed off into fiction. Writing as John Camp, he did several books about Kidd, a computer expert/thief, before introducing Davenport under the Sandford pseudonym. The Prey books took off, and three or four years ago, he broke out Virgil Flowers, a supporting character,  into his own books, of which there are now four titles.

These are page-turners and potboilers -- which are not bad things in my mind -- and I always enjoy the trip to the generally-cold Minnesota country for the romp.