I love YA. I love representing YA manuscripts and interacting with the YA writing community online. But more than that, I am representative of a huge portion of the YA reading audience. Because YA book buyers fall (mostly) into two categories: fifteen year old girls and those of us who still feel fifteen at heart.
I love reading YA. Those firsts are moments I love reliving, because I still feel fifteen. (And I’m definitely not). But I taught high school for six years, and it’s hard to grow up when you’re surrounded by those tumultuous emotions, that whirlwind where everything feels like it’s Life or Death, like this might be the Most Important Moment of your life.

But thankfully I’ve gained a few insights since I actually was 15. And I’ve seen going around, first on twitter and now on several blogs, letters or advice to your teenage self.
I have to say I can’t really think anything I’d do differently if I suddenly had the chance to go back. Okay, well maybe a couple things. But through all that drama (and oh, there WAS drama), I don’t have regrets.
And even if my future and older self came to give me advice when I was in high school, I would have scoffed at it. (I was one of those teenagers who Knew Everything, trust me, and I wasn’t going to listen to anyone, let alone myself).
But here’s my top five anyway.
5. It’s the little things that make you feel alive: leave your windows open, walk barefoot, eat dessert first, stay up to see the sunrise, buy yourself flowers, change your hair color often, and laugh as loud as you want.

4. One day that obsessive personality and hardcore perfectionism will serve you well, but focus them. Reading
Cry the Beloved Country to the point of memorization is probably not the best use of your time.
3. It doesn’t matter how pretty the guy is - it matters that he’s nice to you. A swoonworthy smile, a six pack, and chiseled hip lines don't ever make him less of an ass.
2. You'll never have another teacher like Mrs. Hall - she really is that awesome. But it doesn't matter. The written word, books, and
Lucky by Alice Sebold will save your life.
1. What you think of yourself is the only thing that matters.
**And yes, these are authentic high school photos**