Dropped by the Mac store. Asked the guy, So, what's the delivery time on the new iPad?
I have no idea, he said. Deadpan.
I thought that was funny. No, really.
No, really ...
The word on the net says 4-5 weeks, but that doesn't really mean anything, and it might be two months.
Naturally, with a world-wide rollout, Apple once again didn't make enough of 'em to go around, and so the line forms at the left and stretches quite a ways.
This is complicated somewhat further: There are nine possible configurations of the new toy: Three sizes, 16, 32, or 64 gigs; There are two communication options: wifi only, or wifi with 3G capability. That brings us to six, but: the 3G options are subdivided into two more choices, AT&T or Verizon, so which version you want determines which list you get put upon, vis a vis the delivery ...
Never a dull moment around here, nossiree ...