I was wondering why my mail didn't seem to be the normal volume, and a few minutes ago, when I got to poking around, I just found a slew of it in the spam folder at Comcast.
Isn't that special?
If you emailed me and wondered why I didn't answer, that's why. I'll try to get back to you soon as I can.
The Comcast filters don't seem to be something I can easily fix, and the adjustments available so broad they won't help. On or off, that seems to be the choice.
So I turned the spam filter off and am now using my email program's filters instead. That I can adjust and train to recognize the crud.
I do get some junk mail. Whole lot of people in Nigeria are trying to send me millions of dollars; people are greatly concerned with my penis size and imagine I want it to be bigger; there are iPads going for $17, did I know that?
Uh huh.