You Blurb It!!

A major moment for any pre-pub book is getting the blurbs in. Who blurbed it? What'd they say? What part of that favorable sentence to put on the cover. WHERE on the cover?! Authors may *think* the hardest part of the journey is over when their books come out--but nooooooo. Now you've got blurb requests pouring in. Books to read, pithy statements to come up with. It's harder than it looks. I should know--I tried. Some of my top reads for 2010 (no particular order), are lauded in blurb form below:
    Josh Bazell masters the art of the reveal. I’d follow Peter Brown anywhere—from a safe distance, of course.

    Books that speak to the darkest parts of what we could become. They have everything—best of all, they have Katniss.

  • YOU
    Heartbreaking in its intensity, its events, and most of all, the truth it reveals.

    Petrifying…Unbelievable, but seems like it could happen tomorrow. I hope there really is a Travis Chase out there somewhere.

    We’ll have different factions. We’ll love Four, or we won’t. But we’ll all agree: DIVERGENT is an incredible read.

So now you try it. Love a book you read in 2010? Blurb it here! 20 words or less. We'll look them over and choose a winner in two categories:

1. Blurb that would make me pick it up. (Best in Show)
2. Funniest blurb (keep it G-rated. OK, PG-13)

Off-limits words: "Tour-de-force," "Compelling," anything using "virtuoso" in any form.

The prize? You'll get a 15-minute Skype (or some other type of) chat with moi to evaluate your online presence and talk about social media. Entries close at 5 pm Friday (1/7). Ready? GO!!!