OMG...I heart League of S.T.E.A.M.!!

So recently our lovely assistant Sara snagged her first client and we co-agented an amazing deal (let's be honest, Sara put my agenting skills to shame with her awesomesauceygoodness when she took the lead on this). Read more about this project by the amazing Susan Dennard here.

And after you read about that, you'll understand why The League of S.T.E.A.M. is the best thing I've seen since my first Ren Faire (don't make fun--I'm a nerd and proud of it!).

Not only do I love all things steam punk, but dude...I grew up on GHOSTBUSTERS (whose mom wouldn't let them use the slime that came with the GB Fire Station because it stained furniture besides mine??).

Just look at that fire station--SO. COOL.

But I digress.

So the League of S.T.E.A.M. was recently discussed on Twitter and I think I officially geeked out in front of my boss for the first time when I watched one of their clips. They are AWESOME.

But don't take my word for it. Watch yourself!