Ways to Avoid Doing Work

I've washed the dishes, folded a load of laundry, walked the dogs, and picked up a package at the post office. Then I needed to shoot some pictures -- for the day when I might want to use one as a b.g. for another book cover. Then I figured, what the hell, how about I do a book cover for somebody else ... ?

(Addendum: Here's what I had to say about Moran's book, a couple years back -- I had a review of it for the local paper, once upon a time, but lost it:

"Moran is one the best space-opera writers ever. I thought The Last Dancer, the third book in the Emerald Eyes, The Long Run, um, trilogy, was as good as they get.

Probably hard to find these day, and buying them used doesn't put any money in his pocket, but if you can find copies, you should read them."

Since it's going to be an ebook, you should get a copy of that instead, since it will put money into his pocket..

Well. I guess I have to go to work now.

Okay. Just one more ...

(Addendum the Second: And here's the last graph of I said about Reaves's book in my review when it came out:

"Reaves skillfully weaves these and other disparate characters into a tangled web, never losing a thread. The feel of the writing is real enough to wilt your clothes, to make you sweat, to swat at the clouds of buzzing mosquitoes. Against the dark and humid New Orleans spring, with the workings of voodoo, the French Quarter, and even a bleak trip into the Louisiana State Prison of Angola, the players are bound for a horrific showdown, upon which their fates and that of the world itself hinges. Voodoo Child is a welcome addition to books that go bump in the night."

I dunno its status as an ebook, but you can still find used treeware copies on Amazon.com.)