Flood Relief Part 2

Regie Cruz contacted me recently about The Pakistan Flood Relief Fund auction.  Here are the details!

Most of you have heard that over 10 million children have been affected by the flood and that over one fifth of the country (the size of Italy), was submerged in water. So far, they are still in need of help. If we don't help those in Pakistan, they will have to turn to terrorist groups (under the facade of charity organizations) such as the one that lead the Mumbai 2008 attack. So many lives have already been negatively affected or lost, so let's try to do our part as GLOBAL citizens and try to help them. By bidding in an auction, you are not only getting something great, but you're also helping out the Pakistanis in need. So let's help out!

The Pakistan Flood Relief Fund auction will be held from October 10 onwards. There are loads of amazing auctions that have been (and will be) posted! There are going to be ARCs, autographed books, critiques, etc.! So come join in the fun! Everything will be donated in a LUMP SUM here. 

You can see the full list of auctions here which will be updated regularly as more posts go up!