Hallowe'en 2010

"Hey! Turn off that damn light!"

Hallowe'en. My son's birthday, my daughter's wedding anniversary, and my holiday from forever. As usual, I carve a jack o' lantern. This year's, I was kind of in a hurry -- we had somewhere to go, and I cranked, so this is about an hour and a half from start to finish.

Not my best, but not bad.

"Who you callin' 'Slick?'"

(Addendum: After three days ...)
Other business:

Rory has weighed in with his comments on one of my earlier posts, and focused on that area between what I thought he meant, and what he thinks he meant. 

It mostly works for me, since he's closer to his mind than I am. Mostly -- I still think it's been so long since he was a civilian that his memories of that time are maybe a bit faded. Soldier, bouncer, deputy, armed contractor in an active war zone, author of books on, and  teacher of ways to deal with violence -- I think he has to reach way back to dredge up what it felt like to be a civilian. Got scars he doesn't remember where they came from? Been in so many dust-ups he lost count long ago? 

But even that? I can go with it. So I learned some stuff, and we're good, Rory and I.

We always were. 

(And those of you who feel the need to run to his place and tell him I said something about him -- Ooh, Rory, Rory, didja hear what Perry said? Didja? -- can save yourself some trouble. He's got a link to my blog on his, so what I post shows up there and if he wants to read it, all he has to do is look.)

Zombies Surrounded walkthrough (Written)

Zombies Surrounded is a suspense thriller point and click game on newgrounds. In the game you play as a lucky guy to still alive Lance Greenly. Luckily someone has rescued you... and.. oh wait. You already know that? Okay here is a written Zombies Surrounded walkthrough I ninja copied from an NG page. Enjoy!

1. When prompted, press space during the beginning cutscene to shoot the zombie.
2. Open your inventory by clicking on the backpack icon, and click the flashlight.
3. Walk to the arrow pointing to the girl. When you get to her, press space. (cutscene)
4. Walk to the small desk in the corner, across from the stairs. (then press space)
5. Break a hole in the desk, and get the small key.
6. Leave the desk, and go up the stairs.
7. Break a piece of wood off of the corner of the headboard of the bed.
8. Open your inventory and click on the wood to equip it.
9. Search under the bed, and use the broken wood to reach the batteries.
10. Pick up the batteries from in front of the bed.
11. Use the small key to open the dresser, and take the screwdriver.
12. Go back downstairs to the radio.
13. Click on the radio, and use the screwdriver on it to get the battery compartment lid.
14. Insert the batteries, and put the battery compartment lid back on.
15. Turn on the radio. (cutscene)
16. Kill the group of zombies that attack you. Don't let any of them get to the house.
17. Press space during the next cutscene to stab the zombie.
18. Now that you are in the basement, go to the old sink. Take the axe head.
19. Search behind the bookshelf to find the axe handle.
20. Combine the axe head and axe handle in the inventory, and then close the inventory.
21. Use the axe to break the window and escape.

Safes Room Escape 2 Halloween walkthrough

Safes Room Escape 2 Halloween walkthrough.Safes Room Escape 2 Halloween is a new point and click game from ainars on minigameportal. In this game, you are somehow trapped inside a Halloween themed house and like other normal trapped people inside an unfamiliar house you want to escape get out of it fast so bad. But how do you do it, you ask? Well you there are puzzles to be solve in there so you might want to try to solve them first and also pick up items that you can use for your your sweet escape. 

If you still can't figure out how to beat the game, it is always okay to look at a guide or perhaps a complete Safes Room Escape 2 Halloween walkthrough after you've given all you've got.


I got this in an email. Probably some of you have seen it, along with a bunch of other graphs. I liked these two the best.

On the Notion of Reasoned Debate

Couple postings back, I got into some stuff about violence and teaching, and referenced an expert in the field, Rory Miller.

Couple of my readers took me to task for what I said. Which is fine, because a difference of opinion is what makes a horse race, innit? 

Just to clarify some things, a little history:

First post I read of Rory's on his blog was in November of 2005. He talks about going to Orycon, and mentions in passing that he doesn't read fiction. More than a couple times since then, he's brought that up again, even asked for recs once from folks trying to get him back into it: his blog, 5 April 2010. He has little patience for fiction. If he is using force and it is dramatic or entertaining, he says, he's doing it wrong. (23 February 2008)

If you are writing a novel and you aren't dramatic and entertaining, you are doing it wrong. 

Truth is no defense in fiction. 

I've trained in an ER and worked in a clinic. I've seen all kinds of body fluids outside the containers, and dealt with them, and how they got outside. But I'm not going to -- so to speak -- splash it all over the pages of a novel. It doesn't serve my purpose in most stories to do so. Thus my fiction is not real, but if you want reality? You can read non-fiction or watch the evening news. 

Still, I don't fault Rory for writing a book offering how to teach fiction writers how to write about violence even though he doesn't read the stuff. (Scroll down the page for my notice and the review, which was five stars.) You don't have to know everything to venture an opinion or a helpful comment. Let me repeat that, with emphasis: You don't have to know everything to venture an opinion or a helpful comment. There's good material in his book, even if I believe that too much of it might kill a novel sale. It's not my job as a fiction writer to educate my readers, it is to entertain them. What I use to season my dish is up to me. Too little spice makes it bland. Too much makes it inedible.

Rory allows as how there are things he knows how to do but has problems teaching to beginners. Breakfalls, for instance. He can do them, but he's forgotten the basics of how he learned them. (I've had this discussion at length, the expert showing the beginner, and I won't belabor it, but my opinion stayed the same after the discussion because nobody showed me anything compelling to change it. And I don't hear disagreement in that comment.)

The reason we got into tigers and rabbits is because I think it's hard for a tiger to teach a rabbit how to think or behave like a tiger. I could be wrong, but that was my thought.

Against a tiger, a wolf is going to have big problems. I wouldn't bet anything on the rabbit. 

More than once, Rory and I and other readers of his and my blogs have thrashed through some of these questions about movement and psychology and fight-or-flight, and more often than not, come away with something we didn't have before. This is one of the reasons to bring it up. And if I read something I think is fuzzy, I am going to point it out and listen for clarification. If Rory is looking for yes-men -- and I'm pretty sure he isn't -- I'm not the guy he wants to ask. Mostly I'll go with him. Sometimes, I think he's wrong, so he gets the "no" response.

Just as I appreciate it when I get called on it on my blog. Which happens often enough.

When Rory and I get to a point where the words on the page don't do it, we get together for coffee, because face-to-face conversation beats the best writing all hollow. 

I respect Rory; who he is, what he does. But he's not always right, and if I hear something I don't agree with, then not telling him would be a disservice. I'm a reasonably bright fellow. If I miss something, I know it could be me; I could be biased, I could misread it, I could misunderstand it. Happened plenty of times before, no reason to believe it won't happen again. But it could also be that the person offering it didn't do it as well as s/he could. And telling him makes him sharpen his argument and rethink it ways he might not if everybody nods and smiles and gives him a reflexive thumbs-up. If you believe something is true, it should be able to withstand questioning. If an opinion isn't worth defending, is it worth having?

Book 'Em, Danno!

James MacArthur 

James MacArthur, who probably heard that line, "Book 'em, Danno!" a thousand times after the original Hawaii Five-O went off the air, has passed on. 

I first saw him in a movie version of Kidnapped, circa 1960, and in this and that until Five-O. After that, he did a few guest appearances and a couple of movies, and then mostly retired. He was a scratch golfer and -- something I didn't know -- an accomplished Spanish guitarist.

AdiĆ³s, James.  

New Diet

I started my dial-down-the-sugar diet on what? Monday? 

Down nine pounds as of this morning. Tons of fruit and popcorn ain't doin' it. Maybe the five-egg omelette for lunch and chicken and squash for dinner will hold the line ...

Return To Halloween walkthrough

Return to Halloween walkthrough.Return to Halloween Escape is a suspense horror point and click game in addictinggames and other flash game portals. The game sets in a haunted Halloween house again and just like in the previous game it is full scary stuffs only now is more horrifying than ever. You have to options in this game -  escape or be one of the ghouls and ghosts in the house forever!

Find items and clues to solve the puzzles and make your escape but if you are too scared to be focused on coming up with a solution to the game,  perhaps the Return to Halloween Escape walkthrough from a brave soul over at yt can save you. Enjoy and happy Halloween!

Comic Life Deluxe

Mempunyai banyak foto lalu dijadikan komik buatan anda sendiri itu menyenangkan. Dengan Comic Life Deluxe Editon 1.5.1 anda walaupun sama sekali tidak tahu dunia grafis dan editing, anda sudah diberi kemudahan untuk membuat komik dengan koleksi foto anda sendiri. Tinggal klik sana sini, jadilah komik buatan anda.

Anda juga bisa menambahkan beberapa animasi tambahan untuk komik anda sendiri. Semua fasilitas dalam software ini membuat kreativitas dan otak kanan anda bekerja untuk membuat sebuah komik yang unik kesukaan anda sendiri.



I-Ninja adalah memerangi aksi-petualangan judul ditetapkan dalam sebuah planet, kecil bumi seperti di suatu tempat di alam legenda. Cerita terungkap di empat pulau yang unik dan menawarkan beberapa gaya permainan, termasuk kemampuan untuk melawan dalam sebuah robot raksasa. Fight dengan gudang senjata ninja klasik seperti senjata rahasia, pedang, dan blowguns, serta senjata ampuh hari modern, termasuk peluncur roket dan peluru kendali.

Melakukan berbagai prestasi akrobatik seperti dinding-berjalan, kereta api menggiling, berayun dari gantungan rantai dan banyak lagi. Gunakan senjata anda dan keterampilan untuk mengalahkan penjahat jahat Master O-Dor dan tentara mengancam dalam sebuah pencarian yang mencakup lima lingkungan yang luas.
Bahasa: 5 Multi


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Activition salah satu perusahaan pembuat game ternama, pada akhir bulan Mei tanggal 25 tahun 2010 ini telah merilis sebuah game balap. Permainan game balap ini sedikit berbeda dengan game balap pada umumnya, dimana permainan balap ini pengendara mobil harus menyusul lawan-lawannya selain dengan kemahiran berkendara, juga disertai alat-alat untuk mencelakai lawan-lawannya, seperti pengemudi dapat menembak kepada pengemudi lainnya. Untuk mendapatkan fungsi tersebut pengemudi harus mencarinya dan melewati simbol-simbol yang dituju.
Terdapat beberapa simbol, misalnya simbol obeng berwanra kuning artinya mobil kamu akan kembali sempurna, simbol berwanra hijau untuk mempercepat laju mobil kamu, simbol bulat berwarna merah untuk dapat menembak ke pengemudi lainnya agar mobil-mobil balap musuh kamu dapat tersingkirkan.

Untuk hal modifikasi mobil pada game ini tidak terlalu ditekankan, hanya sebatas dapat merubah warna body mobil. Bedahal dengan seperti game Need For Speed yang setiap mobil dapat di modifikasi selain warna cat mobil juga dapat memodifikasi sampai ke performa mesin dan kestabilan roda bahkan sampai kepada pemasangan NOS. Mobil-mobil balap yang disediakan cukup banyak ragam, tidak hanya sedan, tapi mobil jeep, mini truk dan mobil kecil juga disediakan, kamu tinggal pilih.

Kelebihan game Blur ini dibanding game-game balap lainnya adalah dalam segi efek paling bagus. Kualitas grafis, efek-efek cahaya dan suara yang dihasilkan sangat menghibur kamu, apalagi game ini mendukung teknologi Blueray dan suara DTS. Game Blur ini dapat dimainkan pada mesin console seperti Playstation 3, Xbox 360 dan Versi PC.


Call of Duty 4 (FULL RIP)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare adalah first-person shooter yang dikembangkan oleh Infinity Ward dan dipublikasikan oleh Activision untuk PC, Nintendo DS, Playstation 3 dan Xbox 360. Ini adalah produk keempat untuk Call of Duty serial permainan video. Permainan ini diumumkan pada tanggal 25 April 2007.[4] Permainan ini dirilis pada tanggal 6 November 2007 di Amerika Utara, pada tanggal 7 November 2007 di Australia, dan pada tanggal 9 November 2007 di Eropa. Game ini telah terjual sebanyak 13 juta unit


Medal of Honor : Allied Assault

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (MoHAA) adalah orang-pertama shooter (FPS) permainan komputer yang dikembangkan pada tahun 2015, Inc dan diciptakan oleh Steven Spielberg [1]. Ini adalah 3 angsuran dari seri Medal of Honor. Permainan, didasarkan pada mesin Quake III Arena dengan modifikasi dari Heavy Metal: FAKK ², mensimulasikan tempur infanteri di Teater Eropa dan Afrika Utara selama Perang Dunia II. Sekutu Assault merupakan permainan pertama dalam seri Medal of Honor yang akan dirilis untuk Windows, dan satu-satunya untuk porting ke Linux dan hanya sebagai beta menuju ke sana memiliki banyak bug.

Dalam permainan pemain mengambil peran Letnan Mike Powell Amerika Serikat Army Rangers yang bekerja untuk OSS. misi Single player termasuk basis Jerman menyerang di Algiers dan Norwegia, menyerbu Pantai Omaha pada D-Day, dan kawan-kawan menyelamatkan belakang garis musuh di Perancis diduduki. tingkat permainan ini sering dibandingkan dengan 1998 film Steven Spielberg Saving Private Ryan, banyak dari tingkat adalah kutipan langsung dari pemandangan (atau bahkan urutan lengkap seperti dalam misi Pantai Omaha) dalam film. Tingkat ini diciptakan kembali di Medal of Honor: Frontline untuk konsol. unsur-unsur lain dalam permainan juga sebanding dengan film, seperti tingkat "Kota Sniper" dan "Menjaga dari Jembatan" tingkat dimana urutan pertempuran terakhir dari film ini sangat mirip dalam aksi dan visual ke permainan.

Permainan ini telah dirilis ulang sebagai Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Deluxe Edition yang meliputi Medal of Honor: pak ujung tombak ekspansi, dua penuntun strategi, musik dari Sekutu Assault, dan preview dari Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, dan Medal of Honor Allied Assault Perang Dada yang meliputi permainan dan kedua paket ekspansi.


Visual Studio 2010

Microsoft Visual Studio Express adalah kumpulan freeware lingkungan pengembangan terpadu (IDE) yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft yang merupakan versi ringan dari Microsoft Visual Studio. Gagasan edisi ekspres menurut Microsoft adalah untuk menyediakan efisiensi, mudah digunakan dan mudah dipelajari bagi pengguna IDE selain pengembang perangkat lunak profesional, yaitu seperti penggemar dan mahasiswa. Versi final telah dirilis pada 19 November 2007 dan paket layanan versi 1 (Service pack 1) dirilis pada 11 Agustus 2008.

Sejalan dengan semakin populer sejak Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions, edisi ini akan selalu bebas biaya. Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions memerlukan Windows XP atau versi Windows berikutnya; Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 dan Windows 9x tidak lagi didukung. Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions dapat diinstal pada Windows 2000 SP4. Pada akhir April 2009, Microsoft telah menghentikan semua versi sebelumnya dari Visual Studio Express, termasuk 2005. Hal ini tidak mungkin lagi untuk memperoleh versi sebelumnya di Microsoft website.


Need For Speed Underground 2

sekuel untuk Need for Speed Underground telah sepatu besar untuk mengisi, dan tidak begitu mengagumkan, dengan grafis yang jauh lebih baik, mode gameplay baru, dan antarmuka yang lebih baik. demo ini juga mendorong di luar lingkup yang asli, menawarkan "bebas menjelajah" mode untuk menjelajahi pesaing Cityscape dan tantangan di akan, dua jenis "ras cepat" pada dua trek yang berbeda, dan kemampuan untuk driver ras lain secara online.

Grafis yang peningkatan paling jelas. Kita hanya dapat menggambarkan mereka sebagai benar-benar luar biasa, bahkan pada setting rendah. Lampu di jembatan berkilau di langit malam, dan manekin di jendela toko menangkap mata Anda saat Anda api masa lalu. Hal-hal kecil, seperti memompa hidrolik dan memantul ke bawah jalan itu, membuat pengalaman menyenangkan bahkan lebih. Racing adalah gaya arcade (ini sangat sulit untuk menghancurkan mobil Anda) dan mudah untuk belajar, namun daya melayang adalah keterampilan yang diperoleh yang membuat kurva belajar bertahap, tetapi panjang. Hanya mengetuk game ini top-notch mengemudi adalah penempatan produk di mana-mana (sistem pesan Cingular?), Persyaratan sistem yang tinggi, dan ukuran download besar. Mengingat kedalaman dan kualitas Need for Speed Underground 2, meskipun, sebagian besar gamer dapat mengampuni orang rincian.

 Password : www.gamehouse.vn

Burn Zombie Burn [Portable]

Burn Zombie Burn! adalah sebuah game arcade shooter, yang terinspirasi dari film horor klasik Amerika,
Anda akan bermain sebagai Bruce, yang pada saat berjalan pacarnya Daisy pada sabtu malam diganggu oleh segerombolan zombie.

Selamat datang di dunia Burn Zombie Burn!: Tujuan sederhana: menjaga Bruce hidup, dan menjaga Daisy juga untuk tetap hidup, mendapatkan skor tertinggi. Berdiri diantara gerombolan zombie yang busuk, bau dan bodoh. Untungnya Bruce mempunyai beberapa persenjataan. zombie Flaming lebih cepat dan lebih berbahaya daripada zombie biasa .Jenis zombie - penari, ledak, lapis baja, menular, dan kentut api super zombie.Gudang persenjataan - kelelawar, senjata dari semua ukuran, gergaji, Pelontar api, mesin pemotong rumput, pistol pistol otak dan tari groovy.

Tombol merah Besar - combo menggunakan senjata untuk mengaktifkan tombol merah besar dan memicu tingkat yang unik. Berbagai bahan peledak - TNT sebagai bahan peledak. Sebuah truk pick-up - amunisi, untuk pertahanan daisy, mengamuk, kecepatan, waktu, dan upgrade berbagai jenis, dan pendorong junk food kesehatan. 6 arena bermain tak terhingga - The Woods, Makam, Suburbia, Drive-in, Angkatan Darat Base, Secret Lab3 mode permainan - Free Play, Pertahankan Daisy dan Jangka waktu10 tantangan dengan gaya permainan alternatif,dan bonus termasuk beberapa game rendering mode dan sebuah peti mati jika telah menyelesaikan game.



Rolling Fall walkthrough

Rolling Fall walkthrough.Rolling Fall is a new physics based point and click puzzle game from coolbuddy. The basics of the game is very simple - cut the chains that holds the swinging heavy balls mad off steel to kill the zombies. It's quite an addicting thing to do and a bit challenging. Timing is the key to beating each level. There are 40 levels in this game but you must first beat the first 30 scoring a total of 5000 to unlock the 10 bonus levels.
If you are aiming to play the bonus stages you must learn how you will be able to break 5k in the first 30 stages so here's Rolling Fall walkthrough for them.

China Ancient Sanctum Escape Walkthrough

China Ancient Sanctum Escape walkthrough.China Ancient Sanctum Escape is a new point and click game brought to us by flash512. This is an escape game which sets in a beautiful holy place - a Chinese sanctum. You were lost inside it and found yourself practically trapped. The only way to get out is to obtain a password that will open the exit. Find the things in every room that you can use to solve the in-game puzzles.
It's an interesting room escape game but it can be frustrating if you got stuck at some point. The solution for this game is shown in the video below.

China Ancient Sanctum Escape walkthrough

StormWinds The Mary Reed Chronicles Walkthrough

Storm Winds The Marry Reed Chronicles walkthrough.StormWinds The Mary Reed Chronicles point and click adventure game by herointeractive in armorgames has an awesome story and is definitely fun to play. The game sets continuing roughly four years from where SW The Lost Campaign left off. Your objective is to help Mary hi-jack an enemy airship and rescue a princess while kicking off a bunch of bad guys along your way. Branching out with the new format used in this game will reveal more about the characters and the story.
If you can manage to find all 7 letters that is well hidden throughout the game you will get to unlock and see a different and awesome alternate ending.

As per the game guide there is an in game button for that but in case you missed that out here is Storm Wind The Marry Reed Chronicles walkthrough for the regular and alternative ending of the game.

As Long as You Spell the Name Right ...

Actor and Producer Mark Kilbane 
(He's the one on the right ...)

Latest on TMWNM in the newspapers. Might see a couple things of interest, such as the possibility of getting a bodybuilder who would be pretty awesome for the role of Bork, four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler (image below). At 5'9", he's a bit shorter than I see Bork, but he's 274 pounds in contest shape, so Lord knows he's big enough ...

eBook Info

Dunno if I posted this here before, but I got a query, not the first, about what format the ebooks are in.

Here's what Smashwords offers -- and if you buy there, you can choose any or all of these.

Available Ebook reading formats:

FormatFull Book
Online Reading (HTML)View
Online Reading (JavaScript)View
Kindle (.mobi)Download
Epub (open industry format, good for Stanza reader, others)Download
PDF (good for highly formatted books, or for home printing)Download
RTF (readable on most word processors)Download
LRF (for Sony Reader)Download
Palm Doc (PDB) (for Palm reading devices)Download
Plain Text (download) (flexible, but lacks much formatting)Download
Plain Text (view) (viewable as web page)View

Amazon.com's version is .mobi, and B&N's is whatever B&N's is. There are a couple here on the site not available elsewhere and they are in PDF. I expect that most of the dedicated ereaders and computers out there can find something here that works for 'em.