Confession: I'm a born-and-raised New Yorker and I don't wear black every day.
In fact, I rarely wear it. Today I'm in a blue-white-orange-red stripped shirt with a solid Carolina Blue-extra long vest, an extra thin black-blue-teal-navy scarf, charcoal gray cargo capris and sandals--and btw, my toes are different colors: hot pink on my left foot, and Mint Apple on my right. It may seem like overkill to you, but I do at least know how to match (well...except for the hot pink...but that's just one foot!).
I love a little color in everything. Even when I do wear black, I usually accent it with necklaces that have bright pendants/stones/beads/shells of some sort, or maybe a big, flower headband, and colorful shoes are the best.
This probably explains my obsession with Jeffrey Sebelia. (Why couldn't I afford for him to design my wedding dress?? Why? WHY?!)
So what does my wacky taste in clothing have to do with anything???
Well, I think it reflects my taste overall. Like a metaphor (Ha, I'm being all literate and stuff). I am a big fan of unique stories, loud voices, brightshinyfresh ideas, and if it's dark it's got to be vivid. And while black is always in fashion (or the latest book genre trend), you need to throw something else in there to make it stand out.
I've seen a lot of black in my submissions lately...a lot of the same. And while these submissions aren't bad, they don't stand out either. So I ask you: where are all the purple dresses, or red sandals, or the big yellow flower head band??
Wow, I am SO in the mood to watch Project Runway now....