Set in the bleak and wintry scenery of the Alaskan countryside, Elena and Clay chase a young Australian werewolf mutt to Anchorage in hopes of keeping him alive (he'd recently parted ways from a man-eating duo known to kill young immigrants and blame the man-eating on them). And they found a pack of even meaner mutts - man-killers and gun runners holding a different young werewolf hostage.
Frostbitten, Kelley's Armstrong's tenth novel in the Women of the Otherworld Series, is nonstop action with a few twists and turns in the middle of the book that had me gasping. Elena's narrative voice is strong as ever, and Clay is at his best. We even get a glimpse of their werewolf twins Kate and Logan, who are adorable and show shades of their parents, and other members of the pack get to show up for some quick cameos and action. Plus there are a few new men in the Otherworld, including Reese, the Aussie werewolf with a secret - can't help hope there's a story coming for him.
The series is best read in order, starting with Bitten. It's not my favorite - that spot reserved by Stolen and the Men of the Otherworld Anthology, but Frostbitten definitely delivers.