With gasoline at four bucks a gallon-plus here, in a vehicle that gets about ten mpg, such trips get spendy the farther you go. We did a run to a Gorge campground we like, walked the dogs, enjoyed the trains rolling past, and had a fine time. Still cheaper than renting a hotel room this way, but not all that much ...
Then the yard work, which this time was mostly about trimming out the plum tree out front and chopping the branches small enough to fill the green bin. Good to have gotten it done, but nursing a sore neck because of some action I didn't notice at the time ...
Uploading Immune Response the third time this morning–Brad pointed out that it rolled merrily along for nine chapters, then started over again. I have no idea why. Maybe third time is the charm ...
Last week, Chester pointed out there was a portable guitar stand that was way cool, the Cooperstand. And here is a nice perk from putting up a blog–people point out things I wouldn't have known otherwise:
(Images from the Cooperstand site)