Dominion is a new point and click strategy tower defense fantasy game from racoongames. You can now play this game on addictinggames and other flash portals. Its about a magician whose mission is to protect a castle from waves of incoming enemy. With the power of magical elements and archers, try to repel enemy armies away from the castle.
The game is as simple as any other game in this same tower defense genre. You wisely buy upgrades to your attacks, gain level up points to spend them in upgrading your attributes mastering all the skills to beat enemies. Each enemy type has their own attributes and characteristics as well and you it's up to you to figure out their weaknesses. At first you may find the game a bit challenging but once you learned about each enemy types' weakness you'll easily win. Anyways, I will be collecting videos of Dominion walkthrough so expect them here when I got my hands on them.
Good Intentions
I have several projects pending. "Pending" can mean different things, and sometimes the phrase "twisting in the wind" is more apt, but what it mostly means is these potential books, movies, etc. are in some stage of waiting-for-somebody-else-to-do-something before I can move on them.
On any given day, the phone could ring or the email inbox could pop! and those would be like a starter's gun going off at a long-distance race. I don't have to be in the blocks, but I need to be ready to step up to the starting line pretty quick.
As a writer, if you are juggling several efforts, you have to leave time, because there is usually a deadline involved for some of them, and more often than not, these deadlines are shorter than they should be: That tie-in novel that had eight months on the clock when you started talking about it got dicked around before somebody made a decision, and five of those months have slipped past—but the deadline is the same.
Or there's an opening in a schedule because something fell through, and they need a replacement yesterday. Sometimes you can do it, sometimes you can't, and while I hate to turn down paying work, I have had to do so more than a few times because my plate was simply too full. Better than the alternative, but still ...
As a working pro, if you delve into work-for-hire or shared universes, you have to be able to accommodate a certain amount of capriciousness, because ... that's how it is. Writers who can step up and step in and get something done cleanly and quickly will get work sometimes because that is the overriding factor–if they need it Tuesday and you can deliver it and a better writer can't? They'll go with you. A pretty good book on the racks when they need it there is better than a great book half-done at the writer's house.
Um. Anyway, what all this means is that I'm moving a back-burner project onto the front burner. I have attended to the paying projects as best I can for the nonce, and it is my intent—which I hereby repeat doesn't always mean much—to put my energy back into a book near to my heart, i.e., Churl, the next Matador novel.
Since Ace has passed on this one, I'll be putting it up as an ebook, possibly a POD, and possibly in conjunction with half a dozen of the backlist Matador novels, once those rights are reverted, a process that currently ongoing. Might take five or six months for that, because that's the general flow of such things, and after I have that, we'll see what's what.
There seems to be a demand for these, but that remains to be seen.
Here's the rub for my fans: If this book gets done and up and sells really well, then I'll do another one soon; if it tanks, probably I won't be in any kind of hurry. So if you want to read another one, the more bushes you beat to scare up buyers, the more likely I am to put it at the top of the list. How's that for literary blackmail? (I'm still planning to write another one, but the question will be, When can I get to it? That will be up to the market.)
Would that I had a patron who would pay all the bills whilst I paint the chapel ceiling; alas, that's now how it goes these days.
I realize that by getting back into Churl, it's like washing your car–which, as we all know, is why it rains–and that another project is apt to thunder in and put a halt to Matadornity, but just so you know? That's the plan ...
Steampunk walkthrough
Steampunk is a new point and click puzzle game coming out on armorgames. You have to save the good hero by getting him to the safe ground. Click on objects to strategically remove them. You can remove all wooden blocks but metal blocks can't be destroyed. Finish a level with fewer clicks for better medal. You will know that you've beaten the level when the good hero flexes lol.
In some levels there will be other character, the bad guys, that you must knock off the game screen while you try to save the good hero. Balancing and right timing can be your best weapon to beating this game. Anyways, if you're here searching for some tips or perhaps a guide of some sort to help you beat all levels in this game, I've got you covered. I found this secret Steampunk walkthrough well hidden in some unlisted index of the web.
In some levels there will be other character, the bad guys, that you must knock off the game screen while you try to save the good hero. Balancing and right timing can be your best weapon to beating this game. Anyways, if you're here searching for some tips or perhaps a guide of some sort to help you beat all levels in this game, I've got you covered. I found this secret Steampunk walkthrough well hidden in some unlisted index of the web.
Jumping Box walkthrough
Jumping Box is new point and click physics based skill game from EugeneK. Throw, slide and whip the box emoticon to the goal point using physics precision and timing. There are 42 levels in this addictive game and as you progress you will be faced with more challenging levels to crack and more other characters you have to avoid.
It features simple graphics, happy feeling music and awesome physics. Game addicts will definitely enjoy this one though some of you may find some of its levels very difficult but not impossible. So to help you out, here is a Jumping Box walkthrough I found so far.
It features simple graphics, happy feeling music and awesome physics. Game addicts will definitely enjoy this one though some of you may find some of its levels very difficult but not impossible. So to help you out, here is a Jumping Box walkthrough I found so far.
Rekomendasi anime untuk orang yang tidak menonton anime
Beberapa orang di Indonesia kadang menganggap anime sebelah mata dan ada juga yang malah merendahkannya. Orang-orang yang merasa dewasa juga kadang menganggap anime hanya untuk anak kecil, padahal banyak sekali anime yang bertuliskan 12+ sampai 18+ (biarpun banyak yg dibawah umur ikutan nonton XD). Nahh~ disini para anime fans mengambil suara untuk menentukan anime apa yang cocok dan direkomendasikan kepada orang yang tidak menonton anime yang nantinya dapat mengubah pandangan mereka terhadap anime. Berikut adalah hasil suaranya.
444 Suara
Tidak disangka CLANNAD mendapatkan suara terbanyak dan menjadi anime yang direkomendasikan. Dari yang saya lihat para pemberi suara memilih Clannad nampaknya karena Clannad mempunyai cerita yang dapat dikosumsi oleh semua orang. Ceritanya yang menyenangkan menceritakan sebuah drama persahabatan, perjuangan, dan cinta yang begitu jelas didukung background music klasik dan solo piano yang diciptakan oleh Jun Maeda membuat suasana latar menjadi nyaman dan menjadi sesuatu yang ditunggu oleh penonton (saya sampe punya semua albumnya X3). Beberapa episode di season 2 sebelum ending yang sangat menyentuh sempat membuat semua orang menangis dan rasa tidak sabar untuk menunggu episode selanjutnya (Nagisa.. hiks~ T^T).
2. Code Geass
239 Suara
Tidak heran jika Code Geass terpilih menjadi anime yang direkomendasikan. Cerita yang luar biasa dari Code Geass pastinya dapat membuat pandangan orang terhadap anime berubah drastis, cerita politik yang kental, strategi yang jelas dan akurat, cerita per karakter yang unik, mecha yang dikendalikan untuk bertarung, dan kekuatan supernatural semuanya dicampur menjadi satu hingga menjadi cerita yang begitu luas dan hebat. Cara yang digunakan untuk menjatuhkan lawan dan memecahkan masalah selalu unik dan berbeda hingga menjadi sesuatu yang sangat ditunggu. Endingnya yang sangat tidak diduga pun membuat penonton ingin menyaksikannya dua kali (saya jadi pengen nonton lagi :3).
3. Angel Beats!
209 Suara
Yayyy Angel Beats! terpilih menjadi yang direkomendasikan~ X3. Menurut saya Angel Beats memang layak mendapatkannya, gambarnya yang begitu indah dan cerita mengenai kehidupan setelah mati yang disusun sangat baik benar-benar layak untuk ditonton, kisah per karakter yang menjelaskan bagaimana perjuangan mereka saat masih hidup sangat menyentuh tapi tidak lupa Angel Beats mempunyai komedi yang sanggat menghibur dan aksi pertarungan yang dahsyat. Lagi-lagi Jun Maeda mengisi background music dan theme song yang dapat membuat penonton menikmati suasana latarnya. Cerita yang tidak dapat diduga membuat satu episode sangat lah berharga, endingnya pun membuat kita tersentuh dan kaget karena arti dari judul anime ini terdapat pada endingnya (bener-bener ga nyangka kalo maksudnya itu >w<).
4. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika 208 Suara
5. Natsume Yuujinchou 201 Suara
6. Nichijou 129 Suara
7. Hanasaku Iroha 118 Suara
8. GOSICK 117 Suara
9. Kimi ni Todoke 114 Suara
10. K-ON 100 Suara
11. Card Captor Sakura 98 Suara
12. Tiger & Bunny 98 Suara
13. Minami-ke 95 Suara
14. Hidamari Sketch 94 Suara
15. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha 68 Suara
16. Yasuga no Sora 63 Suara
17. Digimon Adventures 59 Suara
18. Seikon no Qwaser 58 Suara
19. AIR 56 Suara
20. Cowboy Bebop 52 Suara
Sumber: Animewan
-Zenith :3
444 Suara
Tidak disangka CLANNAD mendapatkan suara terbanyak dan menjadi anime yang direkomendasikan. Dari yang saya lihat para pemberi suara memilih Clannad nampaknya karena Clannad mempunyai cerita yang dapat dikosumsi oleh semua orang. Ceritanya yang menyenangkan menceritakan sebuah drama persahabatan, perjuangan, dan cinta yang begitu jelas didukung background music klasik dan solo piano yang diciptakan oleh Jun Maeda membuat suasana latar menjadi nyaman dan menjadi sesuatu yang ditunggu oleh penonton (saya sampe punya semua albumnya X3). Beberapa episode di season 2 sebelum ending yang sangat menyentuh sempat membuat semua orang menangis dan rasa tidak sabar untuk menunggu episode selanjutnya (Nagisa.. hiks~ T^T).
2. Code Geass
239 Suara
Tidak heran jika Code Geass terpilih menjadi anime yang direkomendasikan. Cerita yang luar biasa dari Code Geass pastinya dapat membuat pandangan orang terhadap anime berubah drastis, cerita politik yang kental, strategi yang jelas dan akurat, cerita per karakter yang unik, mecha yang dikendalikan untuk bertarung, dan kekuatan supernatural semuanya dicampur menjadi satu hingga menjadi cerita yang begitu luas dan hebat. Cara yang digunakan untuk menjatuhkan lawan dan memecahkan masalah selalu unik dan berbeda hingga menjadi sesuatu yang sangat ditunggu. Endingnya yang sangat tidak diduga pun membuat penonton ingin menyaksikannya dua kali (saya jadi pengen nonton lagi :3).
3. Angel Beats!
209 Suara
Yayyy Angel Beats! terpilih menjadi yang direkomendasikan~ X3. Menurut saya Angel Beats memang layak mendapatkannya, gambarnya yang begitu indah dan cerita mengenai kehidupan setelah mati yang disusun sangat baik benar-benar layak untuk ditonton, kisah per karakter yang menjelaskan bagaimana perjuangan mereka saat masih hidup sangat menyentuh tapi tidak lupa Angel Beats mempunyai komedi yang sanggat menghibur dan aksi pertarungan yang dahsyat. Lagi-lagi Jun Maeda mengisi background music dan theme song yang dapat membuat penonton menikmati suasana latarnya. Cerita yang tidak dapat diduga membuat satu episode sangat lah berharga, endingnya pun membuat kita tersentuh dan kaget karena arti dari judul anime ini terdapat pada endingnya (bener-bener ga nyangka kalo maksudnya itu >w<).
4. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika 208 Suara
5. Natsume Yuujinchou 201 Suara
6. Nichijou 129 Suara
7. Hanasaku Iroha 118 Suara
8. GOSICK 117 Suara
9. Kimi ni Todoke 114 Suara
10. K-ON 100 Suara
11. Card Captor Sakura 98 Suara
12. Tiger & Bunny 98 Suara
13. Minami-ke 95 Suara
14. Hidamari Sketch 94 Suara
15. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha 68 Suara
16. Yasuga no Sora 63 Suara
17. Digimon Adventures 59 Suara
18. Seikon no Qwaser 58 Suara
19. AIR 56 Suara
20. Cowboy Bebop 52 Suara
Sumber: Animewan
-Zenith :3
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2 (disingkat menjadi BF2) adalah permainan video di mana pemain bertempur dalam arena tempur modern menggunakan senjata modern.Battlefield 2 adalah permainan first-person shooter dengan elemen strategi dan RPG. Battlefield 2 dikembangkan oleh Digital Illusions CE. BF2 dipublikasi oleh Electronic Arts. Battlefield 2 adalah seri ketiga dari seri Battlefield, dua permainan sebelumnya dari seri ini adalah Battlefield 1942 dan Battlefield Vietnam.Kelanjutan dari Battlefield 2 adalah Battlefield 3
Minimum System Requirements
- System: 1.7 GHz or equivalent
- RAM: 512 MB
- Video Memory: 128 MB
- Hard Drive Space: 2300 MB
- Other: Geforce 3 or better, XP Only
Recommended System Requirements
- System: 2.4 GHz or equivalent
- RAM: 1024 MB
- Video Memory: 256 MB
Download 

Battle Realms Winter of The Wolf
Tidak mudah untuk permainan strategi real-time untuk membedakan dirinya hari ini, karena genre ini jenuh. Dan tidak hanya diisi dengan bulu - tidak peduli apa selera Anda atau preferensi gameplay mungkin, kemungkinan besar sudah ada sebuah game real-time strategi yang sangat baik dalam 12 bulan terakhir yang akan menjadi pasangan yang cocok untuk Anda. Awal tahun ini, Blizzard Warcraft III bertemu dengan sukses luar biasa, dan masih banyak dimainkan dan sangat populer. Zaman yang lebih baru Mitologi membuat rekan sesuai yang baik, dengan skala yang lebih besar dan lebih epik merasa. Sementara itu, Medieval: Total War memiliki tingkat kedalaman dan kompleksitas taktis tidak ditemukan dalam permainan strategi yang lain, dan Misi Combat: Barbarossa ke Berlin menggunakan resolusi gilirannya real-time dan unit militer yang sangat realistis untuk benar-benar menemukan kembali wargaming modern. Dengan persaingan sengit seperti di semua bidang, sulit bahkan untuk game yang paling menonjol tahun lalu strategi real-time untuk tetap relevan hanya setahun setelah mereka dibebaskan. Ini benar-benar masalah terbesar dengan Battle Realms: Winter dari Wolf, yang secara teknis yang cukup solid add-on untuk khas bela diri tahun lalu-seni-bertema game strategi real-time.
Ekspansi $ 30 sebenarnya dikemas dengan permainan asli, dan begitu juga jelas dimaksudkan untuk menarik pemain baru ke dalam dunia Pertempuran Alam bukan hanya memberi mereka yang sudah memiliki beberapa unit Battle Realms lagi dan misi kampanye untuk bermain dengan. Namun, mereka yang tidak bermain Battle Realms sebelumnya dalam beberapa hal sudah ketinggalan perahu di game ini, karena belum berusia terlalu baik pada tahun lalu. Grafis yang canggih tahun lalu sekarang terlihat terasa lebih buruk dibandingkan dengan Warcraft III dan Age of Mythology. Lebih penting lagi, Battle Realms 'masalah gameplay belum dibahas dalam ekspansi, sementara lebih-baru permainan strategi real-time telah memasukkan beberapa Pertempuran Alam' inovasi (dan sentuhan gaya) untuk efek yang lebih baik. Namun demikian, inti Battle Realms gameplay strategi real-time masih luar biasa berbeda dari norma, dan sekarang Anda bisa mendapatkan banyak untuk uang Anda. Juga, mereka yang sudah memiliki Battle Realms akan mendapatkan rebate $ 10 ketika membeli Winter dari Wolf.
Kampanye asli Battle Realms difokuskan pada pahlawan diasingkan bernama Kenji, yang akan menjadi pemimpin baik klan Naga atau Ular dan berjuang untuk menyatukan negara di bawah bendera. Sepanjang jalan, ia pasti akan bersaing dengan klan Lotus keji dan klan Wolf barbar. Dua terakhir tidak memainkan peran sentral dalam kisah Battle Realms, tapi mereka tokoh paling menonjol dalam pak ekspansi ini, yang terjadi sebelum peristiwa game asli. Ini kronik kisah Grayback, seorang pemimpin Wolf yang mulai kampanye dengan melakukan pemberontakan melawan enslavers nya Lotus-klan. Grayback harus bersatu dan mengerahkan pasukan dan mengembalikan klan Wolf untuk kebebasan selama kampanye 11-misi.
Kampanye tersebut mendapat dari awal yang lambat, karena itu akan menjadi saat sampai Anda benar-benar membebaskan diri dari tambang serpih klan Lotus dan benar-benar dapat mulai dasar bangunan dan unit pelatihan. Anda akan pada awalnya hanya harus puas dengan apa yang Anda miliki dan pergi dari titik ke titik di beberapa misi yang sangat scripted tetapi tidak sama sekali menarik. Menggunakan ini dalam cutscenes-mesin untuk mendorong cerita bersama, dan sementara suara-over yang cukup bagus, dekat tidak menarik-up unit gumpal permainan tidak. Juga - dan ini telah menjadi masalah dengan Battle Realms sepanjang - karena Anda telah membatasi kendali taktis atas kekuatan Anda, pertempuran pada tahap awal Musim Dingin dari Wolf hanya mengharuskan Anda untuk duduk kembali dan menonton.
Sebagai kritik yang lebih umum dari kampanye, itu aneh bahwa ia berfokus pada apa yang bisa dibilang paling menarik dari empat Pertempuran Alam 'faksi-faksi. Unit-unit seni bela diri berbagai gaya dari permainan pertama salah satu daya tarik utama - itu adalah permainan di mana Anda bisa mengendalikan tentara yang tampak seperti mereka datang langsung dari Hong Kong film kung fu. Klan Wolf's Stone Age-tampak barbar, dengan otot-otot mereka melotot dan senjata mentah, berdiri di kontras dengan faksi lain dan dibuat untuk lawan yang menarik. Tapi Grayback dan klan liar tidak dapat membawa permainan serta Kenji dan saudara-saudaranya-in-senjata.
Recommended System Requirements
- System: PIII 733 or equivalent
- RAM: 128 MB
- Hard Drive Space: 600 MB
Download 

Cara Install
- Download dulu Battle Realms Versi Originalnya ( )
- Download Semua Part dari Game Battle Realms Winter of The Wolf ini Sampai Selesai
- Gabungkan file "WinterOfTheWolf.iso.001" s/d "WinterOfTheWolf.iso.004" dengan HJSplite Langkahnya bisa Ikuti ( )
- Kemudian Mount File Iso-nya bisa ikuti caranya ( )
Battle Realms Original
Battle Realms, produk pertama dari Liquid Entertainment, memiliki gaya dalam sekop - segala sesuatu tentang hal ini adalah licin, dan itu patut diperhatikan karena alasan itu saja, serta banyak lainnya. It's a real-time seni bela diri-bertema strategi permainan yang menampilkan puluhan unit besar yang tampak dari empat faksi yang unik, efek grafis yang mengesankan, dan model sumber daya yang inovatif. Memiliki presentasi, dipoles menarik, sebuah kampanye terbuka, dan beberapa mode multiplayer yang baik. Battle Realms memang memiliki beberapa masalah gameplay yang mengurangi sebagian dari banding strategis, sebagai tindakan yang dapat membuktikan akan sulit dikelola. Tapi itu masih merupakan pengalaman yang sangat berharga walaupun hal-hal ini dan harus menyediakan banyak jam kesenangan untuk semua jenis pemain strategi real-time.
Pengaturan dan karakter permainan jelas terinspirasi oleh beberapa film paling spektakuler Hong Kong seni bela diri - terutama karya sutradara / koreografer Tsui Hark - serta beberapa dari Jepang penuh aksi komik dan film animasi, seperti berdarah dan bergaya Ninja Gulir. Urutan berjuang luar biasa ditampilkan dalam tahun lalu film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon juga merupakan kerangka acuan yang baik untuk apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari pertempuran di Battle Realms. Tidak ada yang biasa di dunia fiksi Jauh permainan Timur-seperti - bahkan petani sederhana bisa melawan sebagai seniman bela diri terlatih harus perlu timbul. Semua unit berbagai permainan dan karakter tidak hanya berdiri berdekatan satu sama lain dan hack pergi, seperti dalam kebanyakan permainan strategi lain real-time. Sebaliknya, mereka akan menyerang dengan berbagai gerakan dan teknik dan mengenakan cukup acara dalam proses. Berkat permainan yang indah animasi 3D secara penuh unit, belum lagi medan grafis yang menarik dan detail keseluruhan ditemukan dalam permainan, Pertempuran Alam memang terlihat mengesankan.
Sesuai dengan sumber inspirasi, tempur di Battle Realms bisa sangat kacau. Anda benar-benar memiliki sedikit kontrol atas unit Anda selain bisa bergerak mereka tentang (Anda dapat membuat mereka berjalan dengan mengklik dua kali), agar mereka untuk menyerang, dan memulai kemampuan khusus mereka jika mereka memiliki. Ini mengejutkan bahwa Anda tidak dapat melakukan lebih banyak dengan unit anda. Mereka sangat otonom - they'll otomatis terburu-buru untuk menyerang musuh terdekat, memprioritaskan ancaman baik, dan bahkan beralih antara berkisar dan serangan huru-hara yang diperlukan. The pathfinding dalam permainan besar - memberitahu unit anda untuk pergi ke suatu tempat, dan mereka akan, berhenti untuk melawan setiap musuh di sepanjang jalan. Tetapi Anda tidak dapat mengatur unit anda dalam formasi dan bukannya harus memindahkan mereka sebagai rakyat jelata (meskipun bergerak pada kecepatan rakyat jelata unit paling lambat dalam grup tersebut), dan mondar-mandir pertempuran bisa begitu cepat sehingga Anda hanya akan harus menunggu dan melihat apakah kekuatan Anda bertahan. Hal ini bisa sangat sulit untuk menarik unit keluar dari pertempuran, karena mereka akan tampaknya terus berusaha untuk kesukaran kembali ke medan. Juga, karena unit permainan yang besar dan cenderung menyebar ketika mereka berkelahi, bisa semua lebih sulit untuk melacak segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam pertempuran besar, karena tidak akan semua pada layar cocok.
Mikromanajemen memerangi diperlukan untuk bergoyang peluang dalam mendukung Anda - unit individual dapat memiliki kemampuan khusus atau peralatan yang dapat digunakan dalam peperangan untuk melemahkan musuh-musuh mereka, mendukung sekutu mereka, dan banyak lagi. Namun, mondar-mandir breakneck pertempuran sering akan memaksa anda untuk hanya menggunakan semua kekuatan dan kemampuan khusus Anda sekaligus, berharap untuk yang terbaik. Namun tidak semua permainan ini-cepat serba - dapat memerlukan waktu untuk membawa struktur musuh ke tanah, selama waktu musuh dapat melarikan diri dengan beberapa petani dan mendirikan basis baru operasi di tempat lain, membuat pertempuran berlarut-larut.
Petani, unit dasar Anda, secara otomatis dihasilkan dari pondok-pondok petani itu bisa membangun. Pondok petani yang Anda miliki, para petani lebih cepat dihasilkan. Tapi unit yang Anda miliki, generasi petani menjadi lebih lambat, sampai Anda mencapai batas maksimum Anda unit - sampai dengan 50. Petani dapat membangun struktur lainnya dan juga dapat mengumpulkan dua permainan sumber daya, beras dan air. Bangunan baru biaya surplus beras dan air. Pelatihan baru unit biaya beras dan air juga.
Model sumber daya sedikit lebih kompleks dari itu - padi tumbuh kembali perlahan-lahan, tapi itu akan tumbuh kembali lebih cepat jika Anda memiliki petani air itu. Dan Anda tidak hanya membeli unit-unit militer seperti yang Anda lakukan dalam permainan strategi yang paling real-time - petani Anda melatih diri menjadi mereka. Jadi, pengumpulan sumber daya di Battle Realms menjadi proposisi menantang. Para petani yang Anda miliki, sumber daya semakin Anda dapat mengumpulkan - tetapi kecuali Anda upgrade petani dengan melatih mereka menjadi pasukan, Anda akan berdaya. Ini merupakan sistem yang menarik, terutama setelah Anda faktor dalam beberapa perincian yang lebih bagus, seperti hujan tiba-tiba mengisi semua sawah atau harus menggunakan air untuk memadamkan bangunan yang terbakar. Untungnya, proses pembangunan bergerak sangat cepat di Battle Realms, dan karena ada batas atas cukup ketat pada berapa banyak beras dan air dapat disimpan, Anda akan memiliki rasa yang baik ketika ekonomi Anda berjalan dengan baik dan mampu untuk berkomitmen pelatihan militer.
System Minimum:
- Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
- Pentium III 400 Or Equivalent
- Memory 64 Mb
- Any 100% DirectX 8.0
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Super Granny 6
Sebagai Super Nenek menikmati piknik santai dengan sahabat berbulu dia, salah satu mengembara berharga kitties off dan terjatuh ke dalam lubang di dekatnya. Ketika mencoba untuk menyelamatkan teman kucing, dia tersandung dan mengikuti anak kucing ke dalam lubang yang tampaknya tak pernah berakhir. Sekarang, dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan kembali ke rumah, dia akan perlu untuk melakukan perjalanan melalui dunia yang hilang berbahaya dihuni oleh makhluk eksotis dan menyelamatkan anak kucing yang hilang!
- Fantastic tindakan
- Incredible gameplay
- Nenek super kembali!
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP/Vista
- CPU: 1.0 GHz
- RAM: 512 MB
- DirectX: 9.0
- Hard Drive: 104 MB
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Supermarket Management 2
Mulai sebagai pemilik dan pekerja hanya sebuah toko kecil di pinggir jalan dan akhirnya seorang manajer berhasil hypermarket Anda sendiri! Cepat melayani klien untuk mendapatkan koin, investasi mereka, dan biarkan bisnis Anda tumbuh di Supermarket Manajemen 2! Letakkan Anda Waktu bakat Manajemen untuk menguji dan mengembangkan toko kecil Anda ke toko terbesar di seluruh kota! Bekerja dengan cepat untuk membeli upgrade unik, asisten membantu, dan lokasi bahkan lebih baik.
- Awesome gameplay
- Fantastic kegembiraan
- Mengelola supermarket sendiri!
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP/Vista
- CPU: 1.0 GHz
- RAM: 256 MB
- DirectX: 7.0
- Hard Drive: 87 MB
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Avatar Bobble Battles
Kartun favorit Anda sekarang permainan yang epik! Dari serangan terhadap Suku Air Utara untuk pengepungan Se Sin Ba, it `s terserah anda untuk memutuskan hasil pertempuran favorit Anda saat Anda perintah pasukan dari Suku Air, Bumi Bangsa, dan bahkan dalam hal ini Negara Api permainan strategi yang unik! Menyenangkan bagi seluruh keluarga.
- Kontrol yang berbeda pahlawan.
- Lebih dari 30 jenis unit.
- Epik pertempuran kampanye.
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
- CPU: 1.0 GHz
- RAM: 256 MB
- DirectX: 6.0
- Hard Drive: 59 MB
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Zombie Defense Agency walkthrough
Zombie Defense Agency is a new point and click strategy tower defense game from miniclip. The game is set in a zombie apocalyptic world. As almost all humans had turned to zombies, the need for zombie commodities i.e. brain of non-infected humans, rises. Starvation amongst the zombie populace is at an all time high and they now prospects your town for their next raid. It's now up to you, being the controller of the defense agency to feed them, but not with brains but with bullets.
Like any other tower defense games you've played before, you must strategically place attack towers in order to overcome the waves of zombies. New towers and upgrades will be available as you progress. I love both tower defense games and zombie games so I commend miniclip for mixing them up. Keep it up guys. Anyways, in search for effective strategies to employ to this game, I looked up for some video materials hence the Zombie Defense Agency walkthrough showing all levels beaten by some awesome player.
Like any other tower defense games you've played before, you must strategically place attack towers in order to overcome the waves of zombies. New towers and upgrades will be available as you progress. I love both tower defense games and zombie games so I commend miniclip for mixing them up. Keep it up guys. Anyways, in search for effective strategies to employ to this game, I looked up for some video materials hence the Zombie Defense Agency walkthrough showing all levels beaten by some awesome player.
Demologic walkthrough
Demologic is a new addictive point and click physics game from own3d. This is a game where you control a demolition truck equipped with a giant steel ball. Your goal is to make the two goal objects indicated by red lines touch each other.
This one is quite simple but very addictive with its simple gameplay and fairly challenging levels. There are a total of 25 levels to beat in this game. If by chance you you got stuck and missed that in-game button for help, I got you covered - Demologic walkthrough right at the bottom of this entry.
This one is quite simple but very addictive with its simple gameplay and fairly challenging levels. There are a total of 25 levels to beat in this game. If by chance you you got stuck and missed that in-game button for help, I got you covered - Demologic walkthrough right at the bottom of this entry.
Dream Chronicles The Book Of Water walkthrough
Dream Chronicles The Book of Water is a new point and click hidden object adventure game for PC. This game is basically a sequel to the Dream Chronicles series and this is where Lyra has found her way home only to find her little town devastated by a storm. This is the doing of course of an evil fairy queen of dreams in her greedy search of power. With her father gravely ill and incapacitated and her mother gone missing, Lyra must somehow find a way to break the terrible spell all over Wish.
This game features good gameplay and fantastic graphics. On to the show.. If you have been playing this game for a while now and you keep getting dead stuck at some part of the game, you might wanna check some of the videos of Dream Chronicles The Book Of Water walkthrough I gathered.
This game features good gameplay and fantastic graphics. On to the show.. If you have been playing this game for a while now and you keep getting dead stuck at some part of the game, you might wanna check some of the videos of Dream Chronicles The Book Of Water walkthrough I gathered.
Disco Cannon walkthrough
Disco Cannon is a new point and click physics based game from physicsgames24. You must get the party started by shooting discs to the DJ apparently hindered by various obstacles. Once you hit the target you will be rewarded by a scantily clad silhouette girl dancing to the tune of disco track and mirror ball.
This game features 28 levels. Beating each of them one after another while the difficulty increases as you progress is quite fun and yet challenging. Meanwhile, if you got stuck at some point of any levels, this Disco Cannon walkthrough should help you get through it.
This game features 28 levels. Beating each of them one after another while the difficulty increases as you progress is quite fun and yet challenging. Meanwhile, if you got stuck at some point of any levels, this Disco Cannon walkthrough should help you get through it.
Midnight Mysteries Devil On The Mississippi walkthrough
Midnight Mysteries Devil on the Mississippi is a new download-able PC game from Mumbo Jumbo. In this game, Mark Twain's ghost has come to you, not to haunt you but to seek help from you. When the passion of the once literary history enthusiast reignites a controversial debate about the real identity of Shakespeare, the age-old question resurrects one of the most evil interested parties. Twain sets about to get rid of his time of the darkness, but things only gets more complicated. Unravel the connections as you try to set history straight to its normal self in this hidden objects adventure puzzle game.
As always, games from Mumbo Jumbo are well done and if you have played some of their games in past you won't get disappointed here. The beautiful artwork and highly detailed, animated environment makes it a good experience. This collector's edition features, achievements, integrated guide, wallpapers and dem bones hunt. Anyways, if you came here for guide and tips to this game, the Midnight Mysteries Devil On The Mississippi walkthrough covers them (will update when new ones are available).
As always, games from Mumbo Jumbo are well done and if you have played some of their games in past you won't get disappointed here. The beautiful artwork and highly detailed, animated environment makes it a good experience. This collector's edition features, achievements, integrated guide, wallpapers and dem bones hunt. Anyways, if you came here for guide and tips to this game, the Midnight Mysteries Devil On The Mississippi walkthrough covers them (will update when new ones are available).
Mullany has plenty of credits, and the vid is laid out simply: There is an introduction, a tuning reference, and detailed lessons on how to play four songs: Robert Johnson's Love in Vain; Eli McDaniel's Before You Accuse Me; Blind Boy Fuller's Step It Up and Go; and Good Morning Blues, by Brownie McGee. Comes with a TAB/standard notation/lyrics booklet, about eighty minutes of instruction. Split-screens, close-ups, like that.
I dunno if you've worked with these kinds of vids, but this is a good one. Mullany plays the first verse or two of a song, then breaks it down into chords, fingering, rhythm, and takes you through each slowly. Blues shuffle, turnarounds, fingerpicking, enough so you can get a flavor of different styles, from delta blues to a little jazzier ragtime. First song is the easiest and they get a little more difficult as you go, but nothing scary for somebody at my skill level.
The video is clear, the production clean, and the material, which is basic, presented well. It's basic blues, but if you are a beginning guitarist still having trouble switching from an A- to a D-chord, probably better you wait a while before you get this–blues are simple, but as we all know, simple doesn't mean easy ...
I stuck the vid into the computer and went through the first lesson, and while I haven't gotten it down yet, I did learn Robert Johnson's classic turnaround, and got to practice the shuffle in A.
It's a start.
Wasted Youth Part 1 walkthrough
Wasted Youth is a new action adventure rpg game developed by GPStudios. This game is about a bully trying to dominate a whole new and larger environment, the st. Frost Academy. You are about to start the first day of term at your new home, a boarding school for slacker, troublemakers and idiots. You have been sent there after being expelled from your previous school.
This game features a lengthy gameplay consisting of a total of 16 missions and a bunch of side missions so expect around 6 hours of play hours to get the 100 percent accomplishment. Now on to the show. First is the written version of Wasted Youth Part 1 walkthrough showing the guide how to finish all main missions and side missions (found via clicking the walkthrough button in game). Then later the guide for the side missions and piggymon cards.
MISSION 1: The First Meal
After speaking with Dave in the hall, head into the Cafeteria to start the first mission.
Once the cut-scene is over, head upwards towards the Dinner Lady.
Talk with her to receive a second helping of pudding, then head back to Eugene to complete the mission.
MISSION 2: Sickly Entrails
Head upstairs onto the second floor of the main school building.
Go west until you reach the mission marker and the group of students standing around a pile of vomit.
Dave tells you that the key to Mr Ross's cleaning supplies might have been swallowed by a frog, so head left and enter the Biology class room.
Walk up to the box of frogs and start the dissection mini game.
Use the mouse to cut the frogs open and keep searching till you find the key.
Once you have the key, go back to the group and hand it in to complete the mission.
MISSION 3: The First Night
Once the time changes to Night on the first day, this mission will begin.
Head north into the dormitory and then go upstairs to the recreation room to meet up with Dave.
After talking with Dave, go to the computer in the room and go through the computer tutorial.
Once you're done playing around, try to leave the room and choose the option to go to bed.
Head back downstairs and follow the marker to get to your bedroom.
Walk up to the marker at your bed and interact with it to go to bed and finish the mission.
MISSION 4: Bad Reputation
Go to the first floor of the library in the main school building and talk with Ulrika.
Leave the library and follow the marker to the lockers.
First talk with Nate, then go and talk with the group of boys in the corner.
Then go back and talk to Nate to get him to move away from his locker.
Once he has moved, interact with his locker to retrieve Ulrika's photo.
Follow the marker back to Ulrika and then talk with her to finish the mission.
MISSION 5: The Goth-Father
Go to the playground and talk with Xerxes just north of the hopscotch marker.
After the cut-scene is over Xerxes has given you the task of breaking into the staff room to steal staff records.
Head to the playground and interact with the open window shown below.
Climb in and you'll find yourself in the Maths room.
Head out into the corridor, head upstairs, and follow the minimap marker to the staff room.
Go to the top right of the room, and interact will all three file cabinets.
The cabinets are locked but you will pick up a new staff login for the computer systems.
Go to the computer and login with the new username and password.
Check through the new programs available to you, including the school database.
Log off and make sure to pick up the main building key on the table before you leave.
Now you will have easy access to the main building at night through the main doors.
Go back to Xerxes in the playground and talk with him to complete the mission.
MISSION 6: Defacing the King & Queen
Go to the Assembly Hall and talk with Quentin and Queenie to begin the mission.
You must search the main building for the 10 posters.
First Floor Posters:
Poster 1: Behind Quentin and Queenie in the Assembly Hall.
Poster 2: Top left corner of the Cafeteria.
Poster 3: Corridor directly outside the Assembly Hall and the Cafeteria.
Poster 4: Corridor to the right of the entrance to the Library.
Poster 5: To the right of the teacher's desk in the Geography room.
Second Floor Posters:
Poster 1: Corridor just outside the Chemistry room.
Poster 2: Top left corner of the Biology room.
Poster 3: Top middle of the I.T. room.
Poster 4: Corridor just outside if the entrance to the Girl's toilets.
Poster 5: Bottom left corner in the Sick Bay.
Once you've collect all 10 posters, head back down to the Assembly Hall on the first floor.
Talk with Quentin and Queenie to complete the mission.
MISSION 7: Parting Words of a Goth
Go to the playground and talk with Dave to start the mission.
After the cut-scene interact with the keypad in the wall to start the mini game.
Once you've beaten the mini game and watch a cut-scene the mission is over.
MISSION 8: Lost and Found
Go to the main entrance just below the fountain and talk to one of the three girls standing together.
You have been tasked with finding whoever stole Faye's purse.
Talk with kids around the school until you get a clue to who it might be and where they could be.
The culprit is Kevin, and he is hiding out behind the shed in the Sports Field.
Go there and confront him and watch the cut-scene to finish the mission.
MISSION 9: Terrorist Alert: Imminent
Go and talk to Guy who is standing outside the dormitory entrance.
He shows you a room where he thinks someone is plotting a terrorist attack at night.
Go into one of the classrooms around the school to pick up some paperclips which you can use as a lockpick.
Pick up a few (in case you suck at the lock picking mini game) and then go back and meet Guy on the second floor of the dormitories.
Complete the lock picking mini game and unlock the door to trigger a cut-scene and complete the mission.
MISSION 10: Suspicious Activity
Go to the second floor of the main school and talk to Mr Ross outside his room.
If you want you can go double check that Mr Stouffer is in fact taking his morning dump in the toilets on the first floor.
Afterwards go back upstairs to the Headmaster's Office, unlock the door and go inside.
Go to the top left corner of the room and interact with the safe.
Complete the safe mini game and take a look at the document Mr Ross sent you to find.
Go back to Mr Ross and give him what you've found to complete the mission.
MISSION 11: Bringing Home the Booze
Go into the Girl's Toilets on the second floor of the main school and speed to Lilly (who is passed out on the floor).
After the cut-scene is over you are inside the secret wine cellar in the school playground.
You must get Lilly to operate levers to create a path through the lasers to reach the alcohol stash.
Navigate your way through the maze using this diagram:
This is the solution:
After you've made it through Lilly joins you outside the door.
Use the switch on the left hand side and open it, then talk to Lilly to complete the mission.
MISSION 12: Identification
Head to the Boy's Toilets on the first floor of the main school and talk with Patrick.
After the cut-scene talk to Dave and he will suggest checking out the English room for handwriting samples.
Go to the English room and interact with the stack of papers on the desk and the handwriting comparison mini game will begin.
You have to compare Patrick's note to several handwriting worksheets. To find the author of the note, find differences between each worksheet and the note, until you have 1 left - the author.
Once you notice the difference, click on the area. If you're correct,? a pen will ring the difference, and the worksheet will be eliminated from the list.
Here are the differences:
Janet: Writes a capital "J" with a line on the top.
Fred: Gibberish.
Harold: Writes "Teh" instead of "The".
Queenie: Justified text.
Kevin: Childish Joke.
Chris: Writes "u" without a tail.
Dave: Beginning of paragraph indented.
Brian: Doesn't use captial letters.
William: Showing signs of mental illness.
Pippa: Writes "p", "y" and "g" with a long stem.
Irene: Smudgy handwriting.
Vicky: Misses the word "Lazy".
Zena: Writes "z" with a strike-through and writes "Q" with a strike-through tail.
After you've completed the mini game you will have discovered Nate was behind the threat.
Go back to the Boy's Toilets and tell Patrick to finish the mission.
MISSION 13: WRC For Children
Head to the Sport's Field and you'll see Nate, Harold, and Dave playing with a RC race car.
Talk with one of them to start the mission.
You must race the car around the track and beat Nate's best time to complete the mission.
It's fairly easy, once you've accomplished this task you there will be a cut-scene and the mission is finished.
MISSION 14: Freedom!
Go to the second floor of the main building and talk to Dave outside the detention room.
It's time to free Terence from his prison!
Talk with teachers around the school to get a clue to who has the key, then go looking for them.
Mr Ross has the key, and can be found at the bike sheds.
Go and talk to him and he will inform you that he lost the key in the school fountain.
Interact with the fountain to step up and grab the key.
Go back to the detention room, talk with Dave then interact with the door to free Terence and complete the mission.
MISSION 15: Photogenic
Go and talk to Nate outside the Headmaster's Room on the second floor of the main school building.
After a cut-scene you will be with Nate and Dave outside the Dormitories.
You need a rope to get up through the open window, so you must head back to the main building.
If you got the key in ?The Goth-Father' mission, you can head in through the front entrance.
If not you'll have to go in through the open window in the playground area.
Go to the storage room on the second floor, turn on the lights and then pick up the rope from the shelves.
Head back to Nate and Dave outside the dormitories.
Talk with Nate and he'll give you a camera with 6 pictures left.
After a cut-scene you'll be in the Girl's Dormitory and a timer of 3 minutes will be counting down.
Interacting with each bed will give you a description of the girl and then you are asked if you want to take a picture. If you don't find good enough pictures Nate will make you try again.
Each girl has a rating out of 5 (apart from Miss Cummings - the hot nurse - who has a rating of 15)
The objective is to get a score of over 20 with only 6 photos.
So the way to complete this mission is to take pictures of girls with a rating over 3 (on average).
Map of Girls' Beds:
List of Girls in Wasted Youth Part 1 :
Bethany = 5
Casey = 3
Daria = 1
Elaine = 2
Faye = 3
Grace = 2
Heather = 5
Irene = 1
Janet = 4
Kim = 5
Lilly = 2
Monica = 3
Nikki = 5
Olivia = 3
Pippa = 2
Queenie = 1
Ruby = 1
Suzanne = 4
Tina = 2
Vicky = 4
Wendy = 4
Xenia = 3
Yvette = 4
Xena = 4
Miss Cummings = 15
Mrs Lovens = -5
MISSION 16: The Party
Go to the Dormitories and talk with Faye who is standing outside your bedroom.
If it's still daytime go to bed and you will awake at midnight for the Party.
After an encounter with Dave as you leave, head to the Assembly Hall in the main school, this is where the Party is.
Feel free to mingle and talk with people.
Talk with Lilly to start a drinking based mini game.
Alternately hit the Left and Right Arrow and try to beat Lilly. It doesn't matter if you win or lose but you have to attempt it.
Next go and talk with Zena and take part in a Dancing mini game.
Hit the correct Arrow buttons as they hit white target strip.
Again it doesn't matter if you do well or not, but you have to at least attempt it.
After you have tried these two games, you can now talk to Nate.
After a cut-scene go and talk to Nate again who is standing in the centre of the dance floor with lots of people around him.
He shows everyone the photos you got for him in the last mission you did for him, and tries to make everyone hate you.
This starts a fight mini game.
Hit the key that flashes on screen as fast as you can to help you defend yourself and make attacks.
Again, you don't have to win, it doesn't matter either way.
(but he deserves a good beat down so try and win!)
After the fight a cut-scene will play, after which Dave will ask you to come out to the Sport's Field because he's found something.
To dig up the suspicious lump you'll need a spade but it's locked in the shed.
The door is locked with a rope and padlock, so you need to find something to burn it off.
Head to the main entrance where Wendy and Vincent are smoking.
Talk with Vincent and he'll give you his lighter, go back to the shed in the Sports Field and use it to open the door. Go inside and get the spade, and as you leave a cut-scene will start.
A video version of Wasted Youth Part 1 walkthrough will be posted in this video when they go live.
This game features a lengthy gameplay consisting of a total of 16 missions and a bunch of side missions so expect around 6 hours of play hours to get the 100 percent accomplishment. Now on to the show. First is the written version of Wasted Youth Part 1 walkthrough showing the guide how to finish all main missions and side missions (found via clicking the walkthrough button in game). Then later the guide for the side missions and piggymon cards.
MISSION 1: The First Meal
After speaking with Dave in the hall, head into the Cafeteria to start the first mission.
Once the cut-scene is over, head upwards towards the Dinner Lady.
Talk with her to receive a second helping of pudding, then head back to Eugene to complete the mission.
MISSION 2: Sickly Entrails
Head upstairs onto the second floor of the main school building.
Go west until you reach the mission marker and the group of students standing around a pile of vomit.
Dave tells you that the key to Mr Ross's cleaning supplies might have been swallowed by a frog, so head left and enter the Biology class room.
Walk up to the box of frogs and start the dissection mini game.
Use the mouse to cut the frogs open and keep searching till you find the key.
Once you have the key, go back to the group and hand it in to complete the mission.
MISSION 3: The First Night
Once the time changes to Night on the first day, this mission will begin.
Head north into the dormitory and then go upstairs to the recreation room to meet up with Dave.
After talking with Dave, go to the computer in the room and go through the computer tutorial.
Once you're done playing around, try to leave the room and choose the option to go to bed.
Head back downstairs and follow the marker to get to your bedroom.
Walk up to the marker at your bed and interact with it to go to bed and finish the mission.
MISSION 4: Bad Reputation
Go to the first floor of the library in the main school building and talk with Ulrika.
Leave the library and follow the marker to the lockers.
First talk with Nate, then go and talk with the group of boys in the corner.
Then go back and talk to Nate to get him to move away from his locker.
Once he has moved, interact with his locker to retrieve Ulrika's photo.
Follow the marker back to Ulrika and then talk with her to finish the mission.
MISSION 5: The Goth-Father
Go to the playground and talk with Xerxes just north of the hopscotch marker.
After the cut-scene is over Xerxes has given you the task of breaking into the staff room to steal staff records.
Head to the playground and interact with the open window shown below.
Climb in and you'll find yourself in the Maths room.
Head out into the corridor, head upstairs, and follow the minimap marker to the staff room.
Go to the top right of the room, and interact will all three file cabinets.
The cabinets are locked but you will pick up a new staff login for the computer systems.
Go to the computer and login with the new username and password.
Check through the new programs available to you, including the school database.
Log off and make sure to pick up the main building key on the table before you leave.
Now you will have easy access to the main building at night through the main doors.
Go back to Xerxes in the playground and talk with him to complete the mission.
MISSION 6: Defacing the King & Queen
Go to the Assembly Hall and talk with Quentin and Queenie to begin the mission.
You must search the main building for the 10 posters.
First Floor Posters:
Poster 1: Behind Quentin and Queenie in the Assembly Hall.
Poster 2: Top left corner of the Cafeteria.
Poster 3: Corridor directly outside the Assembly Hall and the Cafeteria.
Poster 4: Corridor to the right of the entrance to the Library.
Poster 5: To the right of the teacher's desk in the Geography room.
Second Floor Posters:
Poster 1: Corridor just outside the Chemistry room.
Poster 2: Top left corner of the Biology room.
Poster 3: Top middle of the I.T. room.
Poster 4: Corridor just outside if the entrance to the Girl's toilets.
Poster 5: Bottom left corner in the Sick Bay.
Once you've collect all 10 posters, head back down to the Assembly Hall on the first floor.
Talk with Quentin and Queenie to complete the mission.
MISSION 7: Parting Words of a Goth
Go to the playground and talk with Dave to start the mission.
After the cut-scene interact with the keypad in the wall to start the mini game.
Once you've beaten the mini game and watch a cut-scene the mission is over.
MISSION 8: Lost and Found
Go to the main entrance just below the fountain and talk to one of the three girls standing together.
You have been tasked with finding whoever stole Faye's purse.
Talk with kids around the school until you get a clue to who it might be and where they could be.
The culprit is Kevin, and he is hiding out behind the shed in the Sports Field.
Go there and confront him and watch the cut-scene to finish the mission.
MISSION 9: Terrorist Alert: Imminent
Go and talk to Guy who is standing outside the dormitory entrance.
He shows you a room where he thinks someone is plotting a terrorist attack at night.
Go into one of the classrooms around the school to pick up some paperclips which you can use as a lockpick.
Pick up a few (in case you suck at the lock picking mini game) and then go back and meet Guy on the second floor of the dormitories.
Complete the lock picking mini game and unlock the door to trigger a cut-scene and complete the mission.
MISSION 10: Suspicious Activity
Go to the second floor of the main school and talk to Mr Ross outside his room.
If you want you can go double check that Mr Stouffer is in fact taking his morning dump in the toilets on the first floor.
Afterwards go back upstairs to the Headmaster's Office, unlock the door and go inside.
Go to the top left corner of the room and interact with the safe.
Complete the safe mini game and take a look at the document Mr Ross sent you to find.
Go back to Mr Ross and give him what you've found to complete the mission.
MISSION 11: Bringing Home the Booze
Go into the Girl's Toilets on the second floor of the main school and speed to Lilly (who is passed out on the floor).
After the cut-scene is over you are inside the secret wine cellar in the school playground.
You must get Lilly to operate levers to create a path through the lasers to reach the alcohol stash.
Navigate your way through the maze using this diagram:
This is the solution:
After you've made it through Lilly joins you outside the door.
Use the switch on the left hand side and open it, then talk to Lilly to complete the mission.
MISSION 12: Identification
Head to the Boy's Toilets on the first floor of the main school and talk with Patrick.
After the cut-scene talk to Dave and he will suggest checking out the English room for handwriting samples.
Go to the English room and interact with the stack of papers on the desk and the handwriting comparison mini game will begin.
You have to compare Patrick's note to several handwriting worksheets. To find the author of the note, find differences between each worksheet and the note, until you have 1 left - the author.
Once you notice the difference, click on the area. If you're correct,? a pen will ring the difference, and the worksheet will be eliminated from the list.
Here are the differences:
Janet: Writes a capital "J" with a line on the top.
Fred: Gibberish.
Harold: Writes "Teh" instead of "The".
Queenie: Justified text.
Kevin: Childish Joke.
Chris: Writes "u" without a tail.
Dave: Beginning of paragraph indented.
Brian: Doesn't use captial letters.
William: Showing signs of mental illness.
Pippa: Writes "p", "y" and "g" with a long stem.
Irene: Smudgy handwriting.
Vicky: Misses the word "Lazy".
Zena: Writes "z" with a strike-through and writes "Q" with a strike-through tail.
After you've completed the mini game you will have discovered Nate was behind the threat.
Go back to the Boy's Toilets and tell Patrick to finish the mission.
MISSION 13: WRC For Children
Head to the Sport's Field and you'll see Nate, Harold, and Dave playing with a RC race car.
Talk with one of them to start the mission.
You must race the car around the track and beat Nate's best time to complete the mission.
It's fairly easy, once you've accomplished this task you there will be a cut-scene and the mission is finished.
MISSION 14: Freedom!
Go to the second floor of the main building and talk to Dave outside the detention room.
It's time to free Terence from his prison!
Talk with teachers around the school to get a clue to who has the key, then go looking for them.
Mr Ross has the key, and can be found at the bike sheds.
Go and talk to him and he will inform you that he lost the key in the school fountain.
Interact with the fountain to step up and grab the key.
Go back to the detention room, talk with Dave then interact with the door to free Terence and complete the mission.
MISSION 15: Photogenic
Go and talk to Nate outside the Headmaster's Room on the second floor of the main school building.
After a cut-scene you will be with Nate and Dave outside the Dormitories.
You need a rope to get up through the open window, so you must head back to the main building.
If you got the key in ?The Goth-Father' mission, you can head in through the front entrance.
If not you'll have to go in through the open window in the playground area.
Go to the storage room on the second floor, turn on the lights and then pick up the rope from the shelves.
Head back to Nate and Dave outside the dormitories.
Talk with Nate and he'll give you a camera with 6 pictures left.
After a cut-scene you'll be in the Girl's Dormitory and a timer of 3 minutes will be counting down.
Interacting with each bed will give you a description of the girl and then you are asked if you want to take a picture. If you don't find good enough pictures Nate will make you try again.
Each girl has a rating out of 5 (apart from Miss Cummings - the hot nurse - who has a rating of 15)
The objective is to get a score of over 20 with only 6 photos.
So the way to complete this mission is to take pictures of girls with a rating over 3 (on average).
Map of Girls' Beds:
List of Girls in Wasted Youth Part 1 :
Bethany = 5
Casey = 3
Daria = 1
Elaine = 2
Faye = 3
Grace = 2
Heather = 5
Irene = 1
Janet = 4
Kim = 5
Lilly = 2
Monica = 3
Nikki = 5
Olivia = 3
Pippa = 2
Queenie = 1
Ruby = 1
Suzanne = 4
Tina = 2
Vicky = 4
Wendy = 4
Xenia = 3
Yvette = 4
Xena = 4
Miss Cummings = 15
Mrs Lovens = -5
MISSION 16: The Party
Go to the Dormitories and talk with Faye who is standing outside your bedroom.
If it's still daytime go to bed and you will awake at midnight for the Party.
After an encounter with Dave as you leave, head to the Assembly Hall in the main school, this is where the Party is.
Feel free to mingle and talk with people.
Talk with Lilly to start a drinking based mini game.
Alternately hit the Left and Right Arrow and try to beat Lilly. It doesn't matter if you win or lose but you have to attempt it.
Next go and talk with Zena and take part in a Dancing mini game.
Hit the correct Arrow buttons as they hit white target strip.
Again it doesn't matter if you do well or not, but you have to at least attempt it.
After you have tried these two games, you can now talk to Nate.
After a cut-scene go and talk to Nate again who is standing in the centre of the dance floor with lots of people around him.
He shows everyone the photos you got for him in the last mission you did for him, and tries to make everyone hate you.
This starts a fight mini game.
Hit the key that flashes on screen as fast as you can to help you defend yourself and make attacks.
Again, you don't have to win, it doesn't matter either way.
(but he deserves a good beat down so try and win!)
After the fight a cut-scene will play, after which Dave will ask you to come out to the Sport's Field because he's found something.
To dig up the suspicious lump you'll need a spade but it's locked in the shed.
The door is locked with a rope and padlock, so you need to find something to burn it off.
Head to the main entrance where Wendy and Vincent are smoking.
Talk with Vincent and he'll give you his lighter, go back to the shed in the Sports Field and use it to open the door. Go inside and get the spade, and as you leave a cut-scene will start.
A video version of Wasted Youth Part 1 walkthrough will be posted in this video when they go live.
Youre Toast walkthrough
Youre Toast is a new running arcade game on addictinggames. It features a toast with hands and legs capable of running, jumping and dashing on rainbows. You play as the living toast and apparently, there is a giant monster trying to eat you. Run like any other toast being chased by giant monster. Jump over the gaps of the terrain and pop into toasters not to be burned but to get a little boost. Also grab peanuts and jellies to activate the rainbow dash power up.
The game is hilariously addicting and fun. But can also be a little frustrating at the beginning. You can also try to go for the achievements if think you have it takes to be the ultimate running toast. Anyways, for some bits of the gameplay, here's a Youre Toast walkthrough footage.
The game is hilariously addicting and fun. But can also be a little frustrating at the beginning. You can also try to go for the achievements if think you have it takes to be the ultimate running toast. Anyways, for some bits of the gameplay, here's a Youre Toast walkthrough footage.
Silly Sausage walkthrough
Silly Sausage is new platformer arcade game from one of our favorite game publisher, nitrome. This game is about a dog, a different breed of dog - a stretchy dog. Your job is to safely navigate the lovable sausage like dog through the dangers and obstacles that lay ahead in each level. Search for treasures as you guide stretchy dog contort himself through pathways and pipes.
As always, Nitrome had another job well done in this game. It features 30 fairly challenging levels and really addicting gameplay - yes sticking on walls is somewhat addicting. It's like a dog had possessed the power of Plastic Man. Protip: Timing is key to not being hit by those rolling blades. Anyways, I assume that all of us playing this game had passed through the first several levels so for now let's just cover in the Silly Sausage walkthrough the further stages in the game and the rest later or if I don't get lazy gathering videos.
As always, Nitrome had another job well done in this game. It features 30 fairly challenging levels and really addicting gameplay - yes sticking on walls is somewhat addicting. It's like a dog had possessed the power of Plastic Man. Protip: Timing is key to not being hit by those rolling blades. Anyways, I assume that all of us playing this game had passed through the first several levels so for now let's just cover in the Silly Sausage walkthrough the further stages in the game and the rest later or if I don't get lazy gathering videos.
New and Improved!
Acoustic players who prop their instrument on the other leg, it works fine for that, too.
Mostly, it works great most of the time. Now and then, one of the suction cups that keep it attached to the guitar comes undone. (If you have an acoustical with an end pin, you use only one of the cups, which attaches to the waist of the guitar. If you don't have an end pin, as in a classical nylon stringer, the thing uses two suction cups.)
There are two sizes of cups, and for security, I ordered the larger ones. But even so, the strap goes slack now and then when the upper suction cup lets go. I think it has to do with the finish, which is thin on my guitar.
Not dangerous, the guitar is on your lap because you are sitting, so it doesn't go far, but it is annoying.
So, since I had a couple of extra suction cups, it occurred to me that I could upgrade the system, and I added two more of them into the mix. Two high, two low, paired large and small.
Much more secure with four instead of two. It hasn't peeled off accidentally yet.
Adventures in Music
Mmm. Anyway, I realized that at the jam group if there are three rhythm guitarists, one of us needs to step up, and if it's me, I'm gonna have to at least learn the pentatonic boxes.
These "boxes" are patterns on the fretboard that, when properly played, give you the ability to do leads over chords.
For those of you not guitarists, playing lead involves knowing one's scales, and one can get by with pentatonics because they tend to sound pretty good over a lot of blues, rock, or folk. I know two of these, but there are five in the CAGED progression–the letters stand for notes–that I should know and be able to play.
(This doesn't scratch guitar modes very deeply. Let me exhaust my knowledge of that here for you:
Ionian - Same as the major scale
Dorian - A scale with a flattened 3rd and 7th
Phrygian - A scale with a flattened 2nd, 3rd, 6th & 7th
Lydian - A scale with a sharpened 4th
Mixolydian - A scale with a flattened 7th
Aeolian - Same as a natural minor scale. A scale with a flattened 3rd, 6th & 7th
Locrian - A scale with a flattened 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th & 7th
If this all sounds like Greek to you, that's because it is, and good guitarists can play these without knowing the names, they just noodle them out.)
All of which is to say that I'm going to drop round Artichoke Music, which is a store/music school, and take a basic blues class. I have the teacher's DVD on order, and I'll fiddle with that, then go and see if I can make a dent in my ignorance ...
Pogo Rampage walkthrough
Pogo Rampage is a new action platformer game from yzigames. This game allows you to go on a rampage pogo style! Hop on civilians, trucks, cars, planes and even satellites orbiting the planet. Earning as much points as you can through stringing hit combinations can be quite fun but also a bit of a challenge. You will earn in game cash from the points you make and can spend them to purchase upgrades for your pogo stick. So what are you waiting for? Hop on your pogo up to the ending.. Wait, there's no ending in this game so the pogo rampage goes on forever.
Use A and D on your keyboard to control your character left or right. For some tidbits of the gameplay, here is some sort of a Pogo Rampage walkthrough showing bits of the game.
Use A and D on your keyboard to control your character left or right. For some tidbits of the gameplay, here is some sort of a Pogo Rampage walkthrough showing bits of the game.
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