
BEFORE you send your first 250 words to First Page Shooter, please read these directions.

1. Read how First Page Shooter Works.

2. Think about some of your favorite novels (ones comparable in genre to your own project) and make notes on what worked for those first pages.

3. Revise and polish.

4. When you send the email to make sure you include:
a. word count
b. title
c. contact info (I'll redact this but get in the habit of including it)

5. Do not send your pages as an attachment. I will discard those unread, and unacknowledged. Please paste them into the body of the email.

6. After you've read and followed these directions you'll know to put "First Page Shooter" in the subject line. Nothing else :)


Feel free to comment and add your own thoughts to First Page Shooter posts. Just keep in mind negative comments like "lame" or "I would never read this" will be deleted.

Also, please keep your comments on topic and about the post. Comments about how Joanna or I should be blogging tend to make us grouchy.

How First Page Shooter Works

First Page Shooter critiques the first 250 words of fiction manuscripts (middle grade to adult, all genres). You have to send the pages for them to be considered. There is a checklist on the post labeled "Directions!"

Keep in mind a critique on your pages might take several days, and if you haven't followed the directions,  your pages won't be critiqued.

Your chance to be critiqued improves if you aren't making the same mistakes the Shark has ranted about commented on previously.

First Page Shooter is entirely a volunteer activity. No first pages sent as part of a query will be posted.  The only way your first 250 words will show up is if you email and specifically ask to have your first page critiqued.

There are no rejections. If your first 250 words aren't posted within about 120 days, they probably won't be.

This can happen for several reasons: I didn't get it, you didn't really make any mistakes I could talk about; it was so bad I didn't know where to start; I didn't understand that foreign language. Pick the reason that makes you feel best, because that's the real reason.